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Added: Torch IK Manager Sample
Added: AI Decision -> Check New Conditions!!!!!!!
Added: IK Manager -> Mode Weight now can exclude all modes
Added: Ladder State -> Now it has IK Solution for placing the Hands and Feet on the ladder
Added: Conditions2 a better and faster way to use conditions everywhere
Added: Modes -> New Enter, Exit, and Interrupt Conditions.
Added: Modes -> New ForceIgnorePriority bool
Added: MProjectile. On RayCastHit event
Added: GameObject Reaction.
Added: Create Human Menu (Player and AI)
Added: MDamageable OnEnter On Exit Profile Events
Added: Mode Abilities now can copy the Audio data to all other abilities
Added: Respawner -> QuickRespawn.
Added: Slide State -> Exclude Malbers Tags in Ground Changer
Added: IK Manager -> Weight Animator Parameter comparer
Added: IK Manager -> Weight conditions
Added: IK Manager -> State Weight Check Profile
Added: Slide Max Enter slope limit to avoid sliding on weird surfaces
Added: Rider -> Now it can be set to kinematic while mounting
Fixed: Stances not rotating on Idle. When Strafe was enabled
Fixed: Glide State -> Start height was ignored on State.Activate()
Fixed: Climb-> Align Start used the Normal of the wall instead of the direction..
Fixed: Bullets set to Impact None, were not placed in the Hit Target position.
Fixed: Editor -> IDs dropdown menu was not setting the correct value on arrays
Fixed: IDs on an array were not being picked correctly.
Fixed: Editor ->Modes Abilities now shows the currently selected Ability
Fixed: Zone Forces were not affecting Glide and Fly.
Fixed: Int Range Var was inheriting from float var instead of int var
Fixed: VariableReference Drawer was not calculating the height correctly when the property has multiple rows
Fixed: Force Mode Modifier were not interrupting Jump forces.
Fixed: IK Goal Human Offset. Now it works better with local Targets
Fixed: Respawner was destroyed when disabled
Fixed: Automatic Zones were not activating if the animal was inside the zone but some of the conditions were not true.
Fixed: Standard Shader was causing blue bloom on the Standard Fur Shader
Fixed: AI -> Jumping Across Offmesh link was not jumping on the correct direction
Fixed: Check missing colliders was not checking disabled colliders,
Fixed: Shooteable Spread Angle was ignored.
Fixed: GroundChangesGravity was setting the gravity to zero when no ground was found
Fixed: GrabLedge was not cleaning the inertia from the movement when activated
Changed: Use Transform now uses a TransformReference.
Improved: Slide State had some changes to enhance ground detection
Added: Effect Manager now previews the effects and can manipulate offsets in the scene
Added: Rider - Now the Rein offset has previews and the offsets can be manipulated in the scene
Fixed: Camera at the start, was not behind the target.
Fixed: Wolf Mobile scene was not picking the weapon
Fixed: Glide Umbrella animations were missing 2 clips
Fixed: Messages were not sending Transforms and gameObjects properly
Fixed: Dodge was not playing on Steve
Fixed: Jump State, the Double Jump Time was not playing in the correct time.
Fixed: ModeAlign was doing weird alignments if the animal was inside the search radius.
Fixed: Gradiend4 Shader was ignoring the emmisiion glow green change when picking health
Fixed: Grab Ledge Alignment was a bit off
Fixed: Equipping a weapon with a stance not found in the animal causes issues
Fixed: ModeModifier was not passing the Residual Up Force value to the Fall State
Fixed: Simple Transformers were not reseting LoopType.Once+ EndType.None to value 0
Fixed: if the animal was in timeline the animal could play modes .
Fixed: Slide state Allow Exit was not checking if is not in a Ground Changer
Fixed: Arrow Projectiles were playing double sound, when equipped
Fixed HAP: Strafing with the horse was not working properly
Fixed HAP: Instant Dismount was not using the Dismount ID
Fixed HAP: Canter Jump Height was off.
Fixed HAP: StartMounting was throwing an error.
Fixed HAP: Saddle was not showing the AO map
Changed: Some private methods were changed to virutal protected and virutal public (Integrations)
Improved: Animal Controller Creating States from the plus button. is super fast now
Added: Modes (Additive and Multiplier) Position and Rotation Speeds)
Added: Animal Movement reaction -> Modify Turn, Animator Speed and Global RM
Fixed: ModeAlign was not working properly on Terrains Slopes and was failing on NonAnimal Objects
Fixed: MDisplay Trajectory was not showing the trajectory on the Bow
Fixed: MAI States were not showing properly the Decisions and Tasks on the inspector
Fixed: Ladder -> Auto was not working on the Top of the Ladder
Fixed: Creating a Ladder From scratch broke Unity.
Fixed: IK Manager Set names were not saved properly on prefabs
Improved: Searching for Abilities in the modes is faster now (Using Dictionary)
Added: Override Capsule in States
Added: Ladder State
Added: Animal -> Now it can Test at runtime Modes and Stances right from the inspector
Added: IK Behaviour -> Now it can activate an IK Set on a normalized time of an animation
Added: Rider -> Now has a default option to NOT Synchronize Modes. This may cause issues when using weapons and the animal is attacking simultaneously.
Added: new Context Menu to find Bones from the Human Animator
Added: New IK Processor. IK Follow Rotation
Added: New Optional Animator Parameter Vertical Raw, it sends the Target vertical speed.
Added: Shootable Component -> New Empty Ammo Event
Added: Combo Manager -> Combos now have an Active value.
Added: Grid Spawner
Added: Shooteable and Projectile Thrower (Spread and Multiplier Angle value)
Added: Projectile Thrower (Multiple Projectiles)
Added: Pool System for Projectiles (Thanks @BigBadWolf)
Added: Combo Manager -> Combos now have [Disable On Finish] and [Disable on Interrupt] values
Added: MExplosion now has a Block explosion Layer.
Changed: Empty delegates were removed from Unity Actions and Events. (Better memory management)
Changed: Protected methods all around were changed to virtual for integration purposes.
Changed: IK Manager now uses String Reference for the IK set name.
Fixed: Respawner was not resetting the Stats Component. Health
Fixed: Aligner now has Min Distance to activate.
Fixed: IK Manager was still working on Disabled.
Fixed: Lock Target on Unity 6 was not working properly
Fixed: Stat Monitor UI was throwing an error when an NPC died.
Fixed: State Enter CoolDown was changed at runtime
Fixed: Force State on the same State was done even when the state has Transition to itself off
Fixed: Override State on Start was not working properly
Fixed: Long Press was not calling OnInput Up if the Long press was completed
Fixed: Manual Entry Path constraints was not connected to the Interact Input
Fixed: Combo Manager annoying bug when using same sequences in a combo like 1 2 1 3
Fixed: Draw Inspector Inside another inspector was not changing the properties (Thanks Samuel)
Fixed: Simple Translators set to Once were returning to value 0
Added: Simple Translators now have laps value to limit their cycle on Repeat and PingPong option
Added: Local Variables (int,float, string) now have operations (Add, Subtract, Multiply)
Fixed: Creating a Combo Mode with no abilities cause inspector errors
Fixed: Point Click not clearing targets.
Improved: IK Manager is more accurate on Fixed Update. All IK and Weight Processors were reworked.
Improved: Transition from Jump RootMotion State to Fall State
Improved: Horse Jump RootMotion movement.
Improved: Simple Transformers ( Rotator,Translator and Scale) have a new Update Cycle Option
Improved: Simple Rotator,Scale and Translator has more options to create custom Transform Animations.
Improved: Aim -> Searching for aim assist is faster.
Added: Miss Attack Chance on Weapons
Added: Interact Animation/ActionMode.
Added: Top Down Support for aiming with GamePad (GamePad Mouse)
Added: New Input System -> Fast Input Script (allows to create fast inputs to connect via unity events)
Added: MInputLink -> Now shows the Binding on the Input Properties.
Added: Track Manager -> now checks if the character is in a state to enable or disable the tracks
Added: MInput Link -> Vector2 input type multiplier value
Added: MInput now shows in the inspector what bindings each input has
Added: UI is now added to the Menu Tools/Malbers/Test Scenes
Added: TextMesh Pro is now added to the MalbersAnimations assembly definition.
Added: IK Weight -> Aimer has Target
Added: IKWeight -> LookAt Offset Angle
Added: IKWeight -> Stance Check, State Check, Mode Check
Added: IK Weight -> Set has a Target Index
Added: IK Processor Rotate Around Aim Horizontal Vertical
Added: Damageable -> Align to damage only when movement is not detected
Added: MWeapon Manager -> ResetInput Source Connection.
Added: Vector2 Listener component.
Added: Vector3 Condition comparer.
Added: Mode Behavior -> Experimental -> Option to remove all Exit Transitions for the modes.
Added: Tag Reaction (Add Remove Target from a gameObject)
Fixed: Point Click -> The AI Control Interface was not correctly found.
Fixed: Aim Bow Animation was animating the Pelvis on the West Aim.
Fixed: Aim -> Changing form Camera Aim to Target Aim was not doing it smoothly
Fixed: Aim -> Aiming to the Center was not accurate...
Fixed: Climb South East animation was not mirrored
Fixed: Play Transform Animation Component -> It was not reset on Play
Fixed: NavMesh Links were not properly recognized on Unity 2022.3
Fixed: Climb State -> Some values were not reset properly on Activate if a wall was not found
Fixed: Zone -> ZoneType = Reaction Only was not working on Automatic zones
Fixed: If an AI teleported it will not calculate correctly the Path on the Nav mesh
Fixed: WeaponManager was not storing correctly the Default Strafe value
Fixed: Weapon Task -> This AI Task was missing Stop Attack.
Fixed: Reactions Delay were not finding a Mono to delay the coroutine
Fixed: Aligner was not working properly when it was in a platform
Fixed: Zones put together where fighting over the character, now it works now as expected
⭐⭐AC and HAP are Unity 6 Ready! ⭐⭐
Added: Reload Mobile Button on Mobile sample.
Changed: The [New Input System ] is now the Official Input for AC and HAP
Changed: All basic materials now use Malbers Simple Shader, which was created with Shader Editor. This allows to work on all Renderpipelines out of the box (URP, HDRP and Built-in)
Changed: Importing AC or HAP in Unity 6 will set the project to URP as default.
Changed: Human Core Prefabs now will be using the New Input system out of the box
Improved: ⭐⭐IDs no longer slow down the Editor window!! ⭐⭐
Improved: String Comparer Component.
Added: Reload Mobile Button on Mobile sample.
Added: New AI Demo scene. Flee Animals when the player is near
Added: Human Yawn animation, new death animations.
Added: Active Meshes On Mesh Change Event
Added: Stance Main Capsule Preset change
Added: Rider -> Dismount by Rider Input.
Added: IK Processor -> Humanoid/Search for Tag (by @Lexus)
Added: IK Processor -> Humanoid/IK Target Dir(by @Lexus)
Added: IK Processor -> Humanoid/IK Goal Height Point (by @Lexus)
Added: Jump Basic State -> Keep Up Inertia.
Added: Look At Component -> Now can track Animator Parameters to influence the Weight.
Added. Look At Component -> Min and Max Angle of LookAt weight
Added: Help UI now can Track if the Device changes (Keyboard&Mouse OR GamePad)
Added: Gizmo Visualizer -> Connect to and Rect type gizmo.
Added: New Shader for Eye Lens.
Fixed: Look At improved and now it works with fixed update issues (No more jittering).
Fixed: Help Panel Margins
Fixed: Pickable -> OnUnFocused event and reaction were not getting who was doing the unfocused
Fixed: IK Manager -> On IKSet, the Disable event was not being called properly.
Fixed: Pickable Weapons were not colliding with other objects.
Fixed: Audio Runtime Collection was not showing in the inspector
Fixed: Strafe Lerping was ignored.
Fixed: Local Vars components -> The dictionary was not updated at runtime using the list value
Fixed: AI Control.. Waiting on AI Target with multiple targeters were attacking without arriving at the destination
Fixed: Rifle was not working when using it in the Left Hand
Fixed: Unequiping a weapon with a stance while riding was not updating the stance after dismounting.
Fixed: Malbers Shader's compatibility with Unity 6 (Shader Graph).
Fixed: Assassin Creed Melee Attacks were not working properly while Riding.
Fixed: A* Pathfinding integration.
Fixed: Weapons -> IK on the auxiliary hand was not working properly if the Weapon used a different hand
Fixed: Stat Unit UI -> Sometimes the slots were not filled 100%
Fixed: Slide State -> Activation on Terrain Slope was activated when the character was not facing the slope
Added: Pickable -> Added new option to destroy and restore the Rigbody during pickup
Added: GamePad UI sprites
Added: Tool -> Toggle GameObject Component (Quick component to hide 1 game object and hide all others from a list).
Fixed: Ability Input was ignored for charged-type abilities.
Fixed: Pickable -> Now setting its rigidbody to Kinematic is optional.
Fixed: Active Meshes-> Materials on instanced skinned meshes were not updated
Fixed: When Cameras were disabled it showed a null exception.
Fixed: Load Bone Scaler -> was missing some bones.
Fixed: Jump Basic -> Infinite forces did not make the state to exit
Changed: Pickable Align -> Now the Item gets aligned to the Picker
Fixed: External weapons were not unequipped after an attack.
Fixed: AI Control was calculating the path all the time (not only when needed).
Fixed: String Comparer Inspector Null Reference
Fixed: Ragdoll Death State -> Caused unity to crash when the animal fell and died
Warnings when importing AC to Unity 6 were removed
Added: ⭐New State (Wall Run Vertical)
Added: Animal Tracker Component (This component allows to listen to Modes, State, Stances, and changes on the Animal and Do Stuff with it) Useful for IK features
Added: IK Manager Component. All IK logic will be handled in this component.
Human IK Processors
Generic Processors
Unity Rig System Link
Added: Local Vars Component. -> Store accessible variables everywhere.
Added: In-Game Runtime Window
Added: Set Local Vars Reaction
Added: Brain -> Set Local Vars Task and Check Local Var Decision
Added: SpeedModifierVariable -> It allows to change values to a Speed Modifier.
Added: Cloth Meshes for Steve (Shirt, Pants, Shorts, Shoes)
Added: Pre-Teleport Event
Added: ModeAlign -> Ignore Close. Repositioning the Character if the distance is already close will be ignored.
Added: On Trigger Enter -> On Core Object Event. (This allow to invoke as a parameter the Core Object that has the collider)
Added: Patrol Task -> Local Runtime Set option
Added: Vector3 Menu Context -> Reset to Zero, Reset to One
Fixed: Teleports a character invokes an event to teleport the camera too.
Fixed: Glide State -> Input was not reset on Failed properly.
Fixed: Reaction -> Delaying reactions were only applying the reaction to the first target.
Fixed: AI Control was using the default Stopping distance instead of the AI Target override
Fixed: Brain -> Set Target Task -> Runtime Set was setting the Move target to true automatically
Fixed: Camera Rotation Movement was faster in lower framerates.
Fixed: Aim Component -> When disabled the values were not disabled
Fixed: Fly State -> Landing pushed the character in the wrong position.
Fixed: Jump Basic State jumping from Land caused acceleration on the Character (Added Clamp Speed)
Fixed: Horse Animset Pro -> Wagon Demo scene
Fixed: Sometimes the Charged modes when released to fast were not cancelled
Fixed: When Disabling the animal, The last state will be the first state that will play
Fixed: Animal -> Offset and Rotator were not set on the Animal Layer.
Fixed: Aim Assist -> When an object was removed with Aim Assist it caused weird null errors.
Added: Pickable -> OnFocused, Dropped, Picked Reactions
Added: Sprite Comparer Component
Added: Pickable component -> Now it has multiple holders.
Added: AI Target -> Now it has a target distribution
Added: Attack Triggers -> Now it can be filtered by Malbers Tags.
Added: Mode Align -> Now it can be filtered by Malbers Tags.
Fixed: Climb Ledge -> Moving Platforms were not doing the alignment properly.
Fixed: UI Transform component -> now uses Fixed Update cycle too
Fixed: Stats -> Modifying the Max Stat did not update the Normalized stat value
Fixed: Weapon Manager -> Reload Interrupt was not working.
Fixed: IAI Control -> Bug on WaitToNextTarget Coroutine.
Fixed: The effect manager was not resetting the effect if there was no effect prefab.
Fixed: Slow Motion -> The Fixed Time was not restored to the default value.
Fixed: Gravity Extra Power was reset on Double Jump.
Fixed: Animal -> Calculate Height was not working.
Fixed: Material Changer had an Editor Error when creating for the first time
Fixed: Animal State -> InCoreAnimation Value was not Updated after it was set to true
Fixed: Animal Controller -> Finally the Animal can use Camera Input and Gravity Changer at the same time.
Improved: Turn limit logic, now the animal won't run around a target when the turn limit is set properly
Improved: Third Person Follow Camera now Follows the Character Up Vector
Added: HDRP 16 Integration
Added: New Humans Animations (Power UP, Push, Pull)
Added: AI Control -> Additive Stopping distance.
Added: Mount Component -> New On Called Mount Event.
Added: Slide State can now exit to Fall if the Slope is too deep...
Fixed: Aiming and Triple Jump had a weird animation.
Fixed: Locomotion State was calculating AntiFall when UseCameraInput was false.
Fixed: Fall State -> Rays were resetting the RayList array in each update, creating garbage
Fixed: Mode -> OnStartMode Event was not properly sending the Ability
Fixed: Brain -> Weapon Task, Null reference was thrown sometimes when a weapon was suddenly unequipped.
Fixed: Climb State -> Not Climbable walls were not detected
Fixed: Sprint -> was not invoking Speed Events changes.
Fixed: Zones -> Mode Zone was interfering sometimes with the Combo Manager.
Minor Fixes everywhere :)
Added: Unity Spline Integration (Path Constraint)
Added: Grab Ledge -> Ledge Hit parameter, to detect Ledges to Climb using UI
Added: States -> Disable Modes List and No Modes Allowed parameters
Added: FloatLerp Component
Added: Stats -> Stats value now can be rounded.
Added: Reaction -> MDamageable Set profile.
Added: Brain Decision -> Chance Decision
Added: Brain Decision -> Check Malbers Tags
Added: Pull/Push Animations Human.
Added: Animal Controller -> Global RootMotion parameter. Disable completely the rootMotion.
Added: ModeAlign -> Exclude Abilities list parameter
Improved: Set Stance Task -> Now the Stance can be modified on Exit Task
Fixed: Animal Component -> Override Start State was throwing a null error.
Fixed: Conditions -> Calling Evaluate did not catch Components or GameObjects
Fixed: Animal Controller -> States -> Anim Tags were updated just once
Fixed: LookAt -> The component was not resetting properly.
Fixed: Climb State -> the UI was not removed when a climbing wall was not detected
Fixed: Ledge Grab when it was not Automatic was resetting the Intertia.
Fixed: AI Tasks -> Out of bound Array error when calling AI States from any Task
Fixed: MAnimal -> Calling Animal.ActivateZone() was activating all animals in the zone.
Fixed: Stat Component -> Disable stats were able to change the Regen and Degen Values
Fixed: Respawner -> Dont Destroy On Load is now Optional (Multiplayer)
Fixed: Smooth Vertical was messing with Start Locomotion animations
Fixed: Animator Tools -> The Transitions Conditions interruption source was not set as Next State.
Fixed: Effect Manager -> Stop Effect was not working properly on Empty Effect Prefabs.
Fixed: Combo Manager -> It was throwing double buffering from time to time... causing playing double animations.
Fixed: Modes were interrupted when setting a new Destination.
Fixed: ComboManager -> AI using combos were restarting the combo and ignoring the cooldown
Fixed: On Mode Start event was not invoking the Ability index correctly
Fixed: Climb State -> Automatic climbing was not finding a wall after climbing off.
Fixed: Attack Trigger -> Direction Damage
Fixed: Arrow and Bullets prefabs had wrong radius values for calculating the trajectory;
Removed: Animal Controller -> States. Pending Exit is no longer used.
Removed: Collapsable Unity Events (It had errors in newer versions of Unity)
Added: Cinemachine 3 Integration.
Added: Align Look At Reaction
Added: Combo Manager -> Now it buffers the Input and waits for the correct time to play the next sequence.
Added: Projectiles -> Gravity Distance. After a given Distance, the projectile will fall.
Added: Projectile Thrower Reaction
Added: Animal Controller -> Mode List now can be Hidden
Added: Turn In place by Camera Component. Allows Steve to turn around using a camera angle.
Added: Animal -> On FreeMovement Event.
Added: Brain -> Mode Task -> Mode can be stopped on Exit Task.
Added: Aim Reaction
Added: OnGround Changer -> Added OnEnter On Exit Reaction and Activation Angle
Added: Weapon Manager -> Override Weapon Layer Mask.
Fixed: Keep Distance Task -> the AI Character was only stopping if the Target was moving.
Fixed: Path Constraint -> When Lock Rotation was true and Ingore Vertical, the path was not working properly
Fixed: Trigger Proxy -> did not remove tagged objects from the collider list.
Fixed: Weapons -> Storing the weapon while aiming and reloading were causing bugs.
Fixed: Look At behavior -> it was disabled on awake until a Layer 1 animation activated it.
Fixed: Animal Inspector -> Mode events on the Event Tab were not expanding.
Fixed: Scriptable Lerp Material -> The material properties were not reverting after lerping.
Fixed: When Orient to Ground was disabled with a scaled character the Align to ground was not working
Fixed: LookAt Component -> Look At was ignored while Time.scale ==0;
Fixed: LookAt Component -> External bones were not smoothly set to default.
Fixed: Effect Manager -> Calling Play on an effect that was already playing caused particles to reset.
Fixed: MEvents -> Invoke As GameObject was throwing a null ref.
Fixed: Weapons -> OnUnequip Event was not sending the Owner as a parameter.
Fixed: Animal Controller -> Sleep was not updating the stance properties
Fixed: Slide State -> When entering from falling the character was teleported to the ground
Fixed: GameObject list scriptable object was returning null
Improved: Camera scripts for cinemachine.
Added: Combo Manager -> Final Sequence can be interrupted to play again a new combo.
Added: Locomotion State -> When movement is released the StateExitValue sends the last Speed.
Added: Wait Task -> Go to next AI State option.
Added: Condition -> Animator Parameter.
Added: Get Animator Parameter Component. Returns the value of an Animator Parameter.
Added: New Menu Option to Disable all Gizmos all at once to Improve performance on the Editor
Fixed: Double Jump was not working properly.
Fixed: Climb was not working properly on moving objects
Fixed: Stance Reactions were not setting persistent on queue stances.
Fixed: Animal Controller -> Order of the OnEnter On Exit Events were wrong
Fixed: Fly Landing was going through the ground.
Fixed: Aim Component -> Last Aim Target was not reset on disable.
Fixed: Rider Component -> Null Ref missing when internal Colliders were missing
Fixed: AI States -> 2022.3 LTS Editor bugs.
Fixed: Weapon Task -> Attack was not released on Task Exit
⭐NEW: Ragdoll Death State. Now the Animal can die using Ragdoll (No Recover).
Added: Ragdoll Death State can interact with the respawner.
Added: Reactions Component -> Now they can react on enable and on disable
Added: Now Shooteable weapons can shoot projectiles without aiming.
Added: Mode Sequence Component (It allows to Play Modes in a Sequence )
Added: Animator Reaction.
Added: New GameObject Var List
Added: New Gradient4 Malbers Shader (Amplify Editor)
Added: Rigid Body Force Reaction.
Added: Ledge Grab State -> now checks for Upward obstacles. (new Human Anim)
Added: Fall State -> now checks for Front Obstacles
Added: Reactions -> It can use a Local Target and a Dynamic Target
Added: Combo Manager -> Different combos can be played on different States. E.g. The Sword can play a combo on the ground and a different combo while it's in the air 💢
Added: Multiple time checker component.
Added: Float Int Comparers -> DisableOnlyIndex and Enable OnlyIndex methods.
Added: IAIControl interface -> added IsMoving Bool Property.
Added: HAP -> Horse now has 2 hair styles
Changed: Animal Component GroundLayer is now Public.
Changed: Jump State -> Jump Pressed now has been moved to the Jump Profiles
Updated: HDRP and URP shaders to the latest versions
Fixed: Jump State -> Multiple jumps now require the Input to be released to activate the next Jump
Fixed: Combo Manager + Weapon Manager -> Branch changes Failed and interrupt modes
Fixed: Path Constraint -> Up Down movement was not registered
Fixed: Brain -> Look Decision was not checking for the Animal Scale Factor.
Fixed: Swim -> The state had Scaled valued issues.
Fixed: Patrol Task. Using Runtime Sets was not patrolling if the WayPoint had no Next Target.
Fixed: Calling 2 States in the same frame ignored the last state called.
Fixed: Lock Horizontal, Vertical only worked when Use Camera Input was disabled.
Fixed: Mode_ForceActivate() was not calculating the Mode Formula.
Fixed: Set Target Task -> Move to Target was not working if the Ai had a previous target.
Fixed: Climb State -> InnerWall was not working properly.
Fixed: Projectile attached to the correct nearest bone.
Fixed: Jump State -> was ignoring Lock Input
Improved: State Debugging now shows why states failed to activate.
Improved: Fall State Ground Touch alignment from great heights.
Improved: Reworked completely the Shoteable weapon system
Added: Integration for Malbers Inventory.
Updated: Poly Art Animals now can use the 4x4 Color Chart Shader.
Fixed: Animator Fix for the transition from Strafe to Fly.
Fixed: Slope logic was ignored on high-slope terrains.
Fixed: Reactions -> Reaction List was not checking all the items on the list.
Fixed: Input System Integration -> Movement was not reset when the component was disabled
Fixed: Mobile Input was sending Vector3 Zero constantly when the Drag Camera was not used
Fixed: Minor bug fixes (Null reference exceptions)
Added: Float Var Formula. (Adding extra calculations to a Float Variable)
Added: Brain Decision -> Target Is Too High
Added: Tag Comparer. Use it to check if a gameobject has Malbers Tag on it.
Added: ILock Controller Interface.
Added: Tools -> Animator Slider. It will show the animation
Added: Animal Controller -> Public Variable for the Main Animal Controller Collider.
Added: Animal Controller -> Exposed Internal Colliders parameters.
Added: Jump States -> Now you can activate any Jump Profiles using Messages
Added: Events -> Debug Option [Find Invokers].
Added: Reaction -> Messages
Added: Zones -> Reactions
Added: Zones -> Conditions
Improved: MDamagealbe Align Logic.
Improved: Now the Aim Component calculates the center using the Camera Rect Values (Split Screen)
Added: BlendShapes -> Now the Values have a Min and a Max Value from -100 to +100
Added: Surface ID. This allows to apply different effects and sounds when weapons hit objects.
Added: Reactions -> Weapon Manager.
Added: Brain -> Strafe Task. Now the task can add also the Strafe Target.
Added: 3rdPerson Follow Zoom Camera.
Added: Brain AI Task Flee -> Flee Forever Parameter.
Added: Brain New AI Task Select Random AI States.
Added: Brain -> Check Target Decision -> IsActiveInHierarchy
Added: Climb State -> Added No Horizontal Parameter so Climb only works up and Down
Added: Weapons -> New option to Strafe while the weapon is equipped.
Added: GetRuntimeSet -> Added 2 new Events
Added: Input -> Each Input now has an Ingore On Pause parameter.
Added: Mode-> Ability -> No Y Movement Parameter (Removes Y Movement while playing an ability
Changed: HAP -> Rider Component. Internal Colliders Parameter is now exposed.
Fixed: Path Constraint was not working on Build.
Fixed: Small jitter happening in the camera when moving really fast on strafe.
Fixed: The transition from Swim to Climb was missing an animation.
Fixed: Climb State -> Automatic Climb was entering climb too fast if the character was standing still. (Now the character needs to be far away to restart the climb Ray)
Fixed: Combo Manager -> Two buttons played at the same time were disabling the Modes in the Animal
Fixed: Combo Manager -> "Weird bug" was caused by out-of-range ActiveSequenceIndex.
Fixed: Stats -> Degenerate was disabled on start.
Fixed: Stats -> Multiplier Parameter was not used in the correct method.
Fixed: Rider Component -> The Animator Triggers were not disabled on dismounting
Fixed: Effect Manager-> Playing the same effect 2 times in a row was not removing one of the instances.
Fixed: HAP -> After dismounting, RigidBody.Gravity was enabled causing a weird slide-down issue on the rider
Fixed: MBrain -> Auto Next Target was disabled if the Brain had no AI State.
Fixed: MBrain -> The Target was not updating on Enable.
Fixed: Align Logic was wrong when the characters had different scales from 1,1,1
Modified: Now States Active and Priority Values are set Local in the animal instead of being saved in the Scriptable Asset.
Improved: Swim State Logic. Now it can use Mesh Colliders as water like RAM River.
Improved: Transition from Underwater to swimming improved!
Improved: Transition from Climbing to Swimming and back again Improved. (added new anim)
Improved: Mode Align can check the closest AI Target to have a better alignment.
Improved: Mode Align Now uses the position of the aligner
Improved: Third Person Follow Camera now updates only the Active Camera.
Improved: MDamageable -> Now can rotate around a new point when align to damage is true.
Added: Compatability with URP 14 Unity 2023 LTS.
Added: Zones -> The Zones have now an animal limit. This means if an animal is already using a zone. the zone will be disabled for all the other animals.
Added: Brain Zone Task. Activate Zone in an animal, if the animal is in a zone.
Added: Weapon Manager, Holsters now have an auto-equip option.
Added: Reactions to Interactor component.
Added: Reactions to the Modes (Enter/Exit Reactions)
Added: Critical Reaction to the Damage Mode.
Added: MAnimal -> Zone_Activate() Method.
Removed: Lerp Rotation from the Speed Modifiers, it was not used.
Fixed: Weapon Manager -> When using External the weapons were destroyed when using a Disable weapon mode.
Fixed: New Camera System was not inheriting the camera movement from other Free Looks.
Fixed: Stances -> Releasing 'Active Only' Stances was not working properly.
Fixed: On Mode Exit Invoke was not at the end of the mode logic.
Fixed: On Mouse World was changing the position of an Aim Target.
Fixed: Brain -> Look Decision was calculating the Range by 2 instead of half.
Fixed: Stats -> Regenerate and Degenerate Events were not called correctly.
Fixed: Audio Behaviour sometimes was not playing the sound correctly.
Fixed: Path Constraint was not positioned and oriented correctly the first time been on a new path
Fixed: Zones -> the automatic activation was not set properly when the animal was kinematic
Fixed: Combo Manager was not affected by Animal.LockInput (Thanks Cruxis!)
Fixed: Bow was not updating its last arrow ammo reduction.
Fixed: Bullet prefab had a wrong orientation.
Fixed: Attack Trigger Profiles were not showing Critical Damage on the profiles
Updated: Demo scenes.
Added: Delay to the new Reactions
Added: MEvents now can check where the listeners are. Thanks, @Avenger
Added: Malbes Input -> Reset All Inputs on Disable
Fixed: Set Destination Task was not fired when the Task was using a Vector3 Reference
Fixed: Jump OffMesh link Alignment
Fixed: Reaction State Activate Option. (It was using Try Activate instead of Activate)
Fixed: Modes were stuck in Preparing mode from time to time (very rare bug)
Fixed: BlendShapes were not Lerping the LOD Meshes
Fixed: AI Agent was enabled while in Free Movement (Fly)
Fixed: Null Reference Error was thrown on the Effect manager if no effect was added.
Fixed: the Strafe values were sometimes activating animations twice on the Animator
Updated: Demo scenes.
Minor bug fixes. (Editor and Runtime)
Added: ⭐ NEW Path Constraint. Included Demo Scene, new Path Links Components to use Different Spline Solutions from unity and 3rd party Assets
Added: Ground Speed Change Component (Better Ice Movement) Better slope logic.
Added: ⭐ New Slide State
Added: State component -> Reset Last State option. Use this to clean on the Animator the Last State Parameter.
Added: Speed Multiplier Sets: Root Motion Multiplier for Position and Rotation. With this you can remove the RootMotion of the animations
Added: Stat Units Component: Shows any Stat in Unit Format (E.g. Zelda Heart)
Added: Stats -> On Max Value Change Event
Added: Simple Throw component uses IThrower Interface.
Added: Long Press Input Type have OnLongPressCompleted&Release Event.
Added: Debug option to track Stats changes.
Added: Malbers Input, MInput Component -> Debug Option to track single Inputs.
Added: Weapons can now be used without having a Holster. They will be automatically equipped on the Hands
Added: Projectile-> FollowTrajectory. Now has Rotation around the Trajectory
Added: Locomotion State -> Wall Stop Profiles.
Added: Shooteable Weapon can be projectiles too. E.g. You can pick a spear and throw it.
Added: Damageable Component -> Damager Reaction. Use this to apply parry animations or mishit animations when the character hit something wrong.
Added: State RootMotion Jump now has Multiple Jumps.
Added: Strafe Crouch Animations.
Added: New Reaction AI Task.
Added: Unity Event Animator Behavior.
Added: Reaction Animator Behaviour
Added: Now Stats can check the Below and Above values by Percent.
Added: States now have custom Speeds.
Added: Mode Abilities now can Ignore Gravity and Grounded values.
Added: Gravity Velocity is Clamped now (20 is the Default)
Added: Modes and Abilities can Cache their Inputs
Added: New Swap Character Component.
Added: New Human Enemy Demo scene
Added: New Human Wolf Fetch Demo Scene (3rd person)
Added: Damageable can change the Reaction of the Damager. E.g. If the Enemy attacks while the player is blocked, the attack animation is interrupted by a Block Bounce Animation, required for parry.
Added: Mode Abilities now have IgnoreGrounded, IgnoreGravity and Persistent, Parameters.
Improved: Projectile shooting behaviors.
Improved: Inertia and Slope Movement Alignment
Improved: Fall Detection and Fall State
Improved: Basic and RootMotion Jump logic.
Improved: Compact Component Selector:
Fixed: STRAFE was disabled automatically.
Fixed: Aiming Down with Strafe does not look good if the Aim Origin was on the Neck of the animal
Fixed: Rider Component. Calling ForceDismount when there's no Mount will throw an error.
Fixed: Ai Control Component. Falling from low steps will cause the animal to be forever in OffMesh Link
Fixed: Zone component Collider detection.
Fixed: Point Click now works with Parented Objects
Fixed: When the animal was on Timeline, the Inputs for Mode Stance and States were not reset
Fixed: Speeds were not keeping the Intertia from speed change.
Fixed: Mode Align Component -> It included Triggers. on the Alignment search.
Fixed: Activating states rarely caused Pending State. E.g. Jump and Fall and then Jump.
Fixed: Weapon Manager -> Using Holster_SetWeapon() when the weapon does not have a Pickable Component was not removing the old weapon equipped on the holster.
Fixed: Finding Real Root Transforms on Trigger proxy and Attack triggers were not working properly.
Fixed: Use Camera Input was ignored if the Animal Reset the Input Component or if it used AI Movement. (Thanks! @rgresko).
Fixed: Condition GameObject was the Value parameter used wrong.
Fixed: Transform Condition was not getting the Target if it was not a Transform.
Fixed: HAP -> The Rider was stopping the Mount AI on Start.
Fixed: Animal Controller -> Override Start State was not working for all states.
Fixed: State->Sleep From State was checking the current state itself too, causing an error.
Fixed: Parenting the Character to any object no longer causes an issue.
Fixed: Disabling a State while being active, it did not exit the state.
Fixed Editor: Removing a Speed Set on the List will cause a null ref exception.
Fixed Editor: Pivots could not be modified unless a new pivot was added
Fixed: Ai Control was still flying when the animal arrived at a single destination
Fixed: Stats Component was initializing stats twice.
Fixed: MAnimal.State_Allow_Exit() wasn't working properly
Fixed: Debris logic was not working properly on Humans (1 Pivot Ground Alignment)
Improved: If a mode fails to play an animation, Preparing Mode stays true no other mode could activate.
Added: Float Math Component.
Added: Floating Number Component and MDamageable Runtime Set
Added: SimpleRespawner Component.
Added: Stat Element Multipliers. This allows having elemental damages (Fire, Water, Poison).
Added: State Profiles, You can fly as IronMan or with a broom.
Added: Fly Logic and Animations (Steve).
Fixed: FollowUITransform Component was not working unless SetTransfrom() method was called.
Fixed: Arrows now Stick to the closest transform on the character.
Fixed: Stances with Input set to Toggle, had the Input still true on Exit.
Fixed: Attack Triggers don't always were hitting a target
Fixed: Align Position Fast was not working properly
Improved: Ledge Grab State: when the animal was not aligned perpendicular to the Ledge the offsets were not working properly
Added: [HAP] if the Mount is too far to call, it will teleport it near you.
Added: Target in Runtime Set now checks if the target is the closest one. (Thanks @HeyBishop)
Added: Effect Behavior now checks for Dynamic Effect Manager (Useful when a weapon has been added and that weapon has another Effect Manager.
Fixed: Aim Target was not exiting when two Objects were near each other.
Fixed: Ledge Grab State: Orient parameter was ignored
Added: Locomotion State. will retain Vertical Speed when Exit Animations are used. (E.g Sprint End)
Fixed: [HAP] AI was always stopped if the Rider was Mounted. Ignoring the Stop AI parameter on mounted.
Fixed: Stats were invoking events when they were disabled. Thanks, @forwardblah
Fixed: Steve was not walking backward
Fixed: Zones were been activated by other Mode Inputs.. (thanks @Hemske)
Fixed: Zone ignored the Mode Activate by time Parameter.
Fixed: Storing a weapon and immediately Aim, caused a null reference error
Fixed: Mode Abilities with no Audio Clips were playing the last clip from another ability
Fixed: Grab Ledge State was being activated on weird Terrain Angles.
Fixed: Monitor UI Health was keep showing the Health bar after the animal was dead.
Fixed: Projectiles checked for colliders and rigidbody in Start, instead of Awake.
Fixed: Look At AI Profile was not checked if the Offset IK list was empty.
Fixed: Weapon Manager: Weapon_Equip() Method was unequipping a weapon.
Fixed: GetRuntimeObjects was not sending the values on Start.
Fixed: Check if Grounded Method on the Animal Controller
Fixed: Disabling the Weapon Manager while equipping a weapon was causing unwanted behaviors.
Fixed: Pick-Drop Component. the Drop method was invoking OnPicked Event.
Fixed: Jump Basic State had wrong math with the Scaled Factor of a Character.
Fixed: Grab Ledge State had wrong math with the Scaled Factor of a Character.
Fixed: Mode Modifier (Damage Side) was not showing the 6 side values.
Added: Effect Behaviour -> Execute OnExit. This will avoid playing an Effect if the animation is interrupted.
Added: Look At Behaviour-> On-Time Parameter.
Added: Weapon Manager v2 Animal Controller can use weapons now. (99%)
Added: Modes charge Abilities now can be charged and released automatically. (No Input needed)
Added: Modes now store the Current Charge Value of the Charge Abilities.
Added: Wall Run State+Animations. (Test Final)
Added: 2 Handed Axe weapon and animations.
Added: Stances Properties can change core animal controller features.
Added: Attack Trigger Behaviour. Multiplier Value for Animations Finishers.
Added: Human Roll Back, Left and Right Animations for strafing
Added: Action Maps to the Malbers Input Component.
Added: Animal Animator tools. Helps create Transitions for the Animal Controller Faster.
Added: MInput. Long Press now has a Smooth Decrease Option.
Added: Trail Laser Component and Laser Prefab.
Added: Aim Component: OnHit Event.
Added: New Curve Animator Behavior. Useful to read curve values during an animation.
Added: Lock-On Target Component -> Added Auto Parameter.
Added: Conditions Component: SetTarget
and PinCondition
Added: MDamageable -> AlignToDirection Feature.
Added: MDamageable -> OnDamager (GameObject) Event.
Added: Losing Focus on the game will reset the Inputs sources.
Added: Weapon Manager Component: It can start with a weapon equipped. Check
Added: States: AllowExitTime parameter. This will exit the state automatically after x seconds.
Added: States: Reset From List: If the State exit, it cannot be used again until one of these states on this list gets activated E.g. You can disable fly and not use it again until the animal uses Idle or Locomotion.
Added: Show All IDs Menu.
Added: Aim Component. OnSetTarget and OnClearTarget Events
Added: Rider Animation: Fly Lean Forward
Added: Rider Component: New Start_Mounted(GameObject Mount) method.
Added: Glide State: Height Start Parameter.
Added: Creating States for the First time, adds automatically the Speed Modifier.
Improved: Combo Manager component now cache the Animal Modes it can do.
Removed: Animal AI Control, does not need Turn Angle Limit.
Fixed: Alignment Logic was not working properly on uneven ground.
Fixed: Pick Up Component was not working properly when it was focusing more than one item.
Fixed: Tag, Component: Remove Tag method was not working.
Fixed: Lock-On Target Component was not resetting the Lock on if the Target was null.
Fixed: Mode Reaction was not changing the Timer on Play by Time Ability.
Fixed: MInput Component: ResetOnDisable was active on Disabled Inputs.
Fixed: Combo Manager (Starter Combos Cannot Be Finishers).
Fixed: Combo Manager. Finisher Sequences were interrupted by the next combo option.
Fixed: Respawned Death AI Animal could not move.
Fixed: Platform Movement was in the wrong code order, causing weird behaviours in movement platforms.
Fixed: Message Component: Time messages were not being sent if the animation was interrupted
Fixed: Aim Component now will ignore Behind Character Objects.
Fixed: Enabling Strafe on a State with strafe, but no strafing animation will make to reenter the state twice.
Fixed: Fly State: Pitch Direction calculation was not working with negative values.
Fixed: Calling a Mode on an animal OnEnable() breaks all the modes.
Fixed: Hit effects on projectiles using collider were instantiated in the wrong position
Fixed: OnEnter On Exit states events were not invoked if the animal was disabled.
Fixed: Scaled animals and Rotator bone were calculating the Height wrong.
Editor Fixed: Gizmo visualizer was moving away for no reason.
Editor Fixed: EventListener Component: Description was not saving the changes.
Updated Prefabs.
Added: New version of the Horse and Rider Animator... Cleaner new way!
Fixed: BOW IK was not working on Unity 2021+
Added: All Mount Components are now stored in a Static List.
Updated: Rider Mount Layer and Horse Animator Updated to the latest AC version1.3.3a(AC) - 4.3.3a(HAP) May 2 - 2022
Added: Animal -> New MaxSlopeReached UnityEvent
Added: Fly State -> Max Height Limit Fly.
Added: Conditions -> Show/Hide Internal Conditions (Menu Option)
Added: LookDecision. LookRay Multiplier.
Improved: LookDecision (Find Center) instead of the Pivot.
Improved: RootMotion Jumps no longer need to be persistent states.
Improved: Ledge Grab State Alignment logic.
Fixed: Fly State + Strafe was pushing down with Down Acceleration.
Fixed: Glide State was not interacting with the Force Zones.
Same as AC
Adding: Forward Multiplier for Grab Ledge State
Added: Malbers Input Component. Enable Disable Axis.
Added: Projectile Thrower Component. SetProjectile() Method.
Added: Projectile Thrower Component. CalculateTrajectory() Method.
Added: CircleAround Task Gizmos.
Added: Attack Triggers, Weapons and Projectiles now can modify more than one Stat.
Added: Slide Action to Human.
Added: Zone component, Disable after Use Option
Added: MouseToWorldPosition script.
Added: ForwardFromPoint script.
Added: NonReordable Exception for Unity versions lower than 2020.3
Modified: MPickable Script. Rb and currentPickTime vars have Public Properties.
Removed: Animal Test Scene.
Removed: Scale for the Root of the Characters will not be affected on Awake
Fixed: Persistent States were using TryExitState.
Fixed: Inertia was double on Fall and Jump Basic states.
Fixed: AIAnimalControl (A*PathFinding) was throwing a Null Reference Error checking for the Agent.
Fixed: If a mode was Disabled during Activation it was active forever.
Fixed: Zones that use Kinematic rigidbody were playing the Mode Twice on Automatic.
Fixed: Animal Controller was throwing an error if there was no Main Camera on the scene.
Fixed: Strafe was not working well with RootMotion Anims. (Changed to InPlace)
Fixed: Extension GetUnityAction was not finding the type (Editor Internal Only).
Fixed: Attack Trigger was sending an Inverted Direction of the Attack.
Fixed: Fall State was not able to exit if it has long entering transitions.
Fixed: Jump State sometimes landed on the air when the slope of the ground is small.
Improved: Variable Reference Code.
Fixed: Look Decision (Animal Brain) Scale Factor.
Fixed: UpDown Axis was changed to the default values.
Fixed: Locomotion State + WallStop + CameraInput= false was not allowing the Animal to move
Updated Prefabs
Added: Mode Modifier: InputAxisAbility
Added: Projectile Use Aim Direction Value.
Added: ForceModifier. State Filter Multiplier.
Added: Lock Speed Value to the Speed Modifiers.
Added: New Human Jog Animation.
Added: LookAt behavior has OnEnter - OnExit Options
Added: Lock Axis Component, Lock Offset Value
Fixed: Speed Modifier Lerp Strafe Speed Speed Value was not being used.
Fixed: Pitch, Bank and Roll were not reset when the AC was set to sleep.
Fixed: Movement Task for the brain was not taking into consideration the animal scale
Fixed: Fly was not checking the Last Vertical Speed from the Last State on Take-Off
Fixed: Disabling RootMotion was doing a hard position change. I've smoothed it down.
Fixed: The Effect Manager component was modifying the Prefab Active value instead of the instance.
Changed: Tags Component Start method is called now on Awake
Editor Fix: Animal Showing the States Inspector has some weird problem with Lists. Setting all lists to NonReordable fixes the problem (Unity bug)
Added: Weapon Hand Scale Offset.
Fixed: Gliding towards the Mount keeps showing the Gilder.
Added: LookAt LimitAngleEvent.
Added: Wolf lite Dash Mode
Added: Now the [UpDown] Input does not need to be added Manually.
Added: Input Axis Press (Thanks @King Ceryn)
Added: Select Position Prefab.
Added: Transform Comparer.
Added: Active parameter to Tasks and decisions.
Added: New Command AI Sample Scene
Added: New Brain Task. Set Destination position.
Added: Set Destination Task for the Brain.
Added: Vector3 Scriptable var can get the value from a Component, Transform or GameObject.
Added: Color Start Multiplier to the Material Property Lerper.
Fixed: Fireballs projectiles now look better.
Fixed: Mode Abilities were not saving their own Custom Input Values.
Fixed: Stats were Initialized in OnEnable instead of Awake.
Fixed: Aiming was not calling their events on Enable.
Fixed: Transform Condition was not sending if the Transform was null
Fixed: MInput OnToggle On OnToggle Off Events were using the wrong Input Value.
Fixed: Modes with Fail Activations were blocking other modes.
Fixed: Brain And Or Decision were not sharing their Component Local array.
Changed: Float, Int and Bool Scriptable vars now check if the new value is the same as it has before.
Editor Fix: Removing Tasks on the Brain was throwing an editor error console.
Editor Fix: Animal Removing State was causing an Inspector error
Editor Fix: Conditions Had an Inspector error for the Then Event.
Editor Fix: Aimer was not showing the Aim Smooth Value on the inspector.
Editor Fix: Extracting/Removing Tasks or Decisions on AI States were causing sometimes inspector errors
Fixed: Last State was interfering when a new Stance is called.
Fixed: Queue States were not Activated after exiting the Queue in some cases
Fixed: Stats Set Value was causing a Stack Overflow.
Fixed: Destroyed Objects on a Trigger Proxy were ignored. (Unity weird bug)
Fixed: On Empty On Full Stat were not called on Start.
Fixed: Stat Monitor UI was not updating the health on the first entry.
Editor Fix: Newly created Animal could not use the State Panel.
Updated Prefabs.
Fixed: Reload Event on Shooteable events was not working
Assets Upgraded to Unity 2020.3 LTS
Added: ScriptableVar to PlayerPref Component(Thanks #HeyBishop !)
Added: Global Conditions
Added: Optional Sprint Parameter to the Animator
Added: Null Parent Option to the Animal Controller.
Added: Respawner for NPCs
Added: Scriptable String Arrays
Added: Lock-On Target.
Added: Mouse Scroll Input Component.
Added: Waypoints Have a LookAt bool parameter.
Added: SmoothDamp value for the Turn InPlace method
Added: Optional Parameters StateOn and StanceOn Triggers to the Animator.
Added: Toggle Input has now Toggle On Toggle OFF Events
Added: MEvents has Invoke Converters (Transform to GameObject and Viceversa)
Added: StopJoystick on Mobile Movement component.
Added: All Listener has a new Invoke on Enable Parameter
Added: Align Component has an Offset for the Position. When is set to Double Side
Added: All Scriptable variables can be modified on the Inspector.
Added: New Brain Decision - CheckTarget
Added: New Brain Decision - Compare Stats.
Added: New Brain Decision - CheckTransform Var
Added: Jump Basic: New Profiles for Multiple Jumps.
Added: Gizmo Visualization for the Fall State
Added: Global Ground Orientation (Usefull to switch between Quadruped and Humanoid Ground Alignment).
Added: Mode Abilities has an Audio Stop parameter.
Added: Speed Events.
Modified: Respawner Component uses a GameObjectEvent instead of an UnityEvent
Fixed: SpeedModifiers Current Index was reset to 1 on Jump State
Fixed: Queue States Logic. Death can be queued from Fly and Fall at the same time
Fixed: Zone Angle Limit was ignored. (Cleaner Code)
Fixed: Platform Movement had a delay on the Y-axis. Now works perfectly
Fixed: Climb State when going down was using the wrong Down Axis to check for ground.
Fixed: Wander Areas waypoints were being ignored on Uneven terrain.
Fixed: Scaled Characters with a Rotator Transform, had a wrong scale.
Fixed: Mode Behaviour was failing if the Ability was set to Toggle and it was interrupted by any other source.
Fixed: [Chance Task] was finished to on Start Task. It was not waiting for the internal task.
Fixed: If an animal was disabled during a Mode, when he was enabled back it will throw an exception.
Fixed: Brain Task Keep Distance was not working.
Fixed: Material Property Lerp was not sending the final lerp Value.
Fixed: Null Reference exception when the brain tried to start a new state and it was disabled.
Editor Fix: Speeds on Editor Light skin, were not showing the expand icon.
Editor Fix: Debug State Gizmos will show only the Selected Animal State
Editor Fix: Scriptable Messages Inspector was throwing a null exception.
Editor Fix: Unity 2020+ throws an Editor Error when creating scriptable vars from the inspector.
Editor Fix: Speed Modifiers were not aligned.
Multiple Fixes and Improvements everywhere.
Fixed: Wings were flipping on the pegasus when entering the water.
Fixed: Aiming and Dismounting the Horse at the same time was not resetting the Aim Logic.
Fixed: Fly Strafe animation transitions were not set in the correct order.
Fixed: if the Mount does not have the AI Active the Rider won't call it.
Added: Weapon Offset can be copied during runtime.
Added: Resync Threshold time.
Fixed: Speed Modifiers were not being scaled too on Scaled Animal Controllers.
Fixed: Look Decision with no Obstacle Layer was always returning true
Fixed: Wander Area was not giving multiple destinations to multiple AI Agents.
Fixed: Human Jump State had the Transition Interruption source changed
Fixed: Jump Basic State was ignoring the Scale Factor on the Characters
Fixed: Fall State was ignoring the Scale Factor on the Characters
Fixed: Disable Waypoints are not selected for the AI Animals.
Fixed: Animator Sounds were not parented to the Animal.
Fixed: Animal AI Control error when the animal did not stop soon on the Waypoint. Added LookAt Offset Parameter to the component.
Fixed: Chance Task was not working with Wait for previous task option.
Fixed: PlayModeTask was using DecisionVars instead of TaskVars. Also Cooldown 0 was ignoring [Wait for previous] task.
Fixed: Turning on Stat Degenerate through on health below event in Stat manager caused a stack overflow
Fixed: Follow UI Transform was not being enabled when it was offscreen and
Added: Simpler Receive methods to the MDamageable via script.
Added: UnderWater State to Human.
Added: Sprint Swim Animations
Added: Lock Speed Animal Reaction.
Editor Fixed: Animal was removing 2 States from the list on Unity 2020+
Editor Fixed: AND and OR Decision was not showing the Selected Decision.
Editor Fixed: Material Changer Component Master was using a Ranged Float
Editor Fixed: Creating an Empty Mode will create an error.
Improved: Rotator and RootBone are set/handled automatically (Fly, SwimUnder)
Improved: Jump Basic Higher ground detection.
Improved: Climb Ledge Detection.
Fixed: Dismount on Death was ignored.
Added: More Tight Locomotion Turn Animations (Walk, Trot, Canter 135 angle).
Fixed: Inspector for MModeAling and StringToValue were not allowing the build.
Fixed: Attack Trigger component was throwing a null reference if the Animator was null.
Fixed: Attack Trigger Multiple hit was slowing the Animator
Fixed: Effects were being disabled on Deactivate.
Fixed: Respawner with Prefabs Animals were respawning twice.
Fixed: Queued States were ignored on Persistent Active States
Fixed: If the Brain was Disabled, the Current AI Task was not properly finished.
Removed: Cinemachine Impulse Context Menu on the Animal Controller.
Added: AutoConnections to Unity Events using C#sharp reflection everywhere.
Updated: Demo Scenes
Fixed: Melee Weapons had a null reference when the weapon had no Owner.
Updated: Demo Scenes
Added: New AI Link component to manage better the OffMesh links for AI Animals
Added: Human Free Climb Animations and State
Added: Human Swim Animations and Swim State.
Added: All weapons generate a Cinemachine Impulse
Added: Wolf Lite can receive damage while moving (Moving Masked Mode)
Added: AIControl now has OnEnable, OnDisable Events.
Added: States have a new virtual Method to get notified when a Mode Starts or ends.
Added: Now when a character uses the Up Down Axis, a LogError is shown and the Malbers Input is Disabled.
Added: On GameObject Stay on the OnTriggerProxy Component;
Added: Utility Script. Humanoid Parent. Allows a gameObject to be parented to a Humanoid Bone.
Added: Tag Messages to the States to modify further the Animal properties when the Animal enters an Animation.
Added: Modes Abilities have unique Audio Source and Audio Clips
Added: New Audio Clip References to play random clips instead of one.
Added: Brain Component has now a Debug Section.
Added: Stop Animator Option, on the Attack Trigger component so it has a more appealing effect when attacking.
Added: Scriptable Vars comparer now has a Description field.
Added: If you disable the MDamageable Component or the Health Stat, the character will be immortal.
Added: States can block Stances now. (E.g. Characters won't try to crouch and climb at the same time)
Added: Simple Rotator (Based on Unity 3DKit)
Added: Simple Translator (Based on Unity 3DKit)
Added: Wolf lite got an Upgrade
Added: Sound Parameters to the Effect manager
Added: Hit Effect Parameter to all Damagers (Attack Trigger, Weapons, Projectiles)
Added: Sound Effects (Audio Clips).
Added: States can Sleep from stances (E.g. The Jump will be disabled if the char is sneaking)
Added: Added Stats Runtime Set.
Added: Keys Enums on the Malbers Input Component are now searchable Enums
Added: All IDs now show their value.
Added: Stat Monitor UI Component
Added: Teleport Reaction.
Improved: AI Animals will stop and turn around a target if they can't reach it
Improved: Interactors can Focus on more than one Interactable Now Interactables
Improved: Step Manager and Step Trigger performance.
Improved: Look Decision now calculate obstacles detection better.
Improved: Sound Animator Behaviours will use shared AudioSources components.
Improved: Character rotation performance increased.
Improved: Animator Synchronization Component.
Improved: Climb State.
Does no longer requires Climb Pivot.
Climb Gizmos Visualization
Outer and Inner Corner Movement work better.
Fixed: Now you will get an error message if the NavAgent is not a Child of the Animal.
Fixed: Wander Areas inherit from MWaypoints.
Fixed: Aim Target Component was not using the Aim point as the target
Fixed: Has Tag option on the ProxyTrigger Component was not getting the Tags on the Root GameObject.
Fixed: Point Click -> Clear Target parameter was doing nothing.
Fixed: Now the Height of the Destination is checked if the AI Animal arrives at the target.
Fixed: Check Variable Listener checks for components where the Animal Script is.
Fixed: Play Mode Task does not wait to make the modes the first time.
Fixed: HelpBox Attribute had no Namespace.
Fixed: When the Animal was using Offmeshlinks, the alignment was done incorrectly.
Fixed: FindComponent
and FindInterface
extensions now search in disabled GameObjects
Fixed: Stat Component. Degeneration was not reactivating the regeneration after its finished
Fixed: String Comparer was not working.
Fixed: OnTrigger Proxy was not invoking methods on Exit.
Fixed: Directional Damage Mode Modifiers were Ignored.
Fixed: When the rider calls a stored Mount with none stored, it will throw a null exception.
Added: Instant Dismount to the Mount Component.
Added: Prefab Variants for the Wagons to be used on Mobile.
Added: Stat Randomizer Scriptable Object
Added: Now Abilities has a property to play audio.
Added: Now the AI Animals have a Slowing Distance.
Added: AudioClip Reference & AudioClip List Set.
Added: EnterCoolDown and ExitCooldown values to the States.
Added: GameObjects that have Attack and Interactions Triggers are forced to be on the Ignore Raycast Layer, so they are not part of the Animal's body.
Added: Animal Controller Pitch Enter and Exit Parameters for the Free Movement.
Updated: Aim Assist Component Events now has the GameObject which was Aimed by.
Fixed: Runtime GameObject Collections had Duplicated Methods.
Fixed: Look At Component needs to have the Aim Origin transform to be the first bone.
Fixed: if the Animal get Disabled while making a Mode, it throws an error after the mode ends.
Fixed: Respawner with a Player as Prefab was instantiated twice.
Fixed: Pitch Direction was reset without smoothing when exiting the Underwater State.
Improved: Axis Parameter on the Animator is using Lerp
instead of MoveTowards
Fixed: Few spelling mistakes corrected in the Inspector.
Fixed: Instantiated mounts were missing the Call Method.
Updated: Editor/Inspector Improvements.
Added: New Decision (Check if Current Target is on Runtime Set).
Added: New method to the Animal States OnPreMove()). to have more control with the states.
Added: NullChecking to the AI States in case it has Empty Decisions and Decisions.
Added: Wall Stop Option to the Locomotion State.
Added: DebreeTag to the Animal Controller.
Added: On Target Arrived to the AI Target.
Added: Material Property Asset (LerpSharedMaterial) Option.
Improved Gliding with the Fly State.
Improved: Fall Logic while the animal is on a Deep Slope.
Improved: Scriptable Coroutines
Fixed: Rotate in Place AI was doing step by step.
Fixed: Brain Look At Decision, was failing if the Target was to close to the ground.
Fixed: AI Control was entering a Stack Overflow when an AI Animal has as a Target another AI Animal.
Fixed: Rotation Speed was still enabled on the Death State.
Fixed: LookAt AI Task was using GetComponent instead of Find Interface.
Fixed: Checkpoints were not working.
Fixed: Disabling and Enabling back the Animal broke the modes.
Fixed: Mount Triggers recognize better the Rider Main Collider.
Updated prefabs.
Added: Force Zones now has Air Control Parameter for Disabling Movement while the animal is on a Jump Pad, Wind zone.
Added: ForceAdd()
and Force_Remove()
to the Animal Controller.
Added: (Inspector). MInput/Malbers Input Components Create Default Inputs.
Added: Mode Modifier Force. Applies a Force when a Mode is played.
Added: (Inspector) When creating new animals States, it will be created on the path of the last state created.
Added: (Inspector) Mode Modifiers can be created inside the Mode Inspector
Added: (Inspector) Creating Scriptable asset Drawer can create now Abstract Classes.
Added: (Inspector) Decisions and Tasks from the Brain are categorized when creating them.
Improved: Aligners use FixedDeltaTime
instead of DeltaTime
. Alignment is smoother now.
Fixed: Climb State, Unclimbable surfaces were not detected.
Fixed: Jump Pads and Multiple Jumps was doing incremental speed (weird movement)
Fixed: (Inspector) Console Error when trying to create Jump Animal States.
Fixed: (Inspector) OR Decision Brain inspector was broken.
Fixed: Runtime GameObject Sets with a description were corrupted. (SUPER WEIRD BUG)
Improved: Reins Logic is executed on the Rider Component, not on the Rein Component.
Changed: Rein component is obsolete now.
Added: Pickable Component. Option to be Picked by animation time, using Animator Messages.
Added: DontDestroyOnLoad()
to the UnityUtils component.
Added: LoadScene() and LoadSceneAdditive()
to the UnityUtils component.
Added: Category Description to IDs.
Added: Stats Component public method Initialize();
Added: Float, Integer and Bool Comparers have a new Active bool variable.
Added: Stats Component: Reset_to_Max()
and Reset_to_Min()
Updated: Clean Animal Animator, Transitions and States.
Fixed: (Inspector) Brain Debug mode with empty Decisions was causing a null error on the console.
Fixed: (Inspector) Attack Trigger Debug with empty Trigger was causing a null error on the console.
Fixed: (Inspector) Add Runtime Set was not showing the Label in Unity 2022.
Fixed: (Inspector) Add Runtime Set was showing empty descriptions.
Fixed: (Inspector) Interactor was missing some events.
Fixed: Mode Logic was breaking the Combo Manager via ModeBehaviour (weird bug).
Fixed: Scriptable Coroutines sometime were stop for no reason (Blend Shape and Bone Presets).
Fixed: Scaled Animals had Increase Fall Movement.
Improved: Combo Manager.. Now it only uses Combo.Play(int Branch). Simpler that way. It can also be used for Switching Combos for weapons in the future.
Fixed: When the Horse was destroyed and the Rider was inside any Mount Trigger was causing Null References.
Improved: Mount Trigger and Mount scripts logic.
Added: Mount Component has more control now to Enable/Disable AI, Input and Trigger when mounting/Dismounting.
Added: Stored Mount, if its a prefab it can be instantiated.
Added: Mobile Joystick now can be dynamic.
Added: Zones Weight parameter. to Add a probability to Activate or not a Zone.
Added: Wander Area On Target Arrived Event.
Added: MEvent now have a Debug values.
Added: Key and Chest Models, UI and prefabs
Added: Delay to the Get Runtime Set Component.
Added: Delay to FadeInOut Component.
Added: Automatic option to all Variable Listeners. Perfect for when you want to Invoke the Events Manually.
Added: Help Box Prefab.
Added: Set Stat Task.
Added: Reset Scriptable Variable Set Asset.
Added: Modes now can be Affected Stances (It can be Enable or Disabled)
Added: Stances are Set now as used as Stance ID on the Animal controller, instead of an int var.
Added: Look At behaviour to Enable/Disable the Look At logic in the Animal. Works better than the Message behaviour when there more than 2 layers involved.
Added: StepTrigger now can have unique Tracks. (E.g. the Bunny has different tracks for the front and back feet.)
Added: Play Anim Transform component.
Added: Invert value to the AND Decision Brain
Added: Last State ID and Forward Movement to the RootMotion Jump Profiles
Updated: All Animators.
Fixed: Fly State weird bug that stopped the Animal where there was no Ground underneath.
Fixed: Up Down Axis was not being normalized while flying/swimming underwater.
Fixed: Brain Patrol State was still Patrolling when waiting On Wander Areas or Waypoints.
Fixed: Zones were ignoring the AbilityStatus state (PlayOneTime,Toggle, Forever).
Fixed: AI Control when going from flying to Land, it was missing the Zones because it was setting the Arrive to true when it was not grounded yet.
Fixed: Animator Event Sound Pitch value was used wrong.
Fixed: Stop Task Needed to Have the LookAt Parameter Visible.
Fixed: Modes Reset to Default Option was disconnected.
Fixed: Animal -> Force Activated method was ignored on Start.
Fixed: Brain can be stop when is disabled and reset when its enabled.
Fixed: Attack Trigger Try Physic was not working as expected.
Fixed: Horizontal and UPDown Parameters were using Math.Lerp instead of Mathf.MoveTowards.
Fixed: Runtime Collections were causing the build to crash.
Improved: Wander Area now has Random Destinations for different animals
Improved: Check Stat Decision uses a Scriptable Float Variable to do comparisons.
Improved: Animal Component store the last selected State on the Editor
Improved: Fall State has a cleaner /updated code.
Improved: Attack Triggers can be selected/seeing on the scene
Improved: RootMotion Jump Logic.
Improved: Messages Logic code cleaned. Inspector Improved
Fixed: Mode Status was not synced to the Rider from the Horse Animator.
Fixed: When Dismounting the Rider was not resetting the Stance and Mode Values
Updated prefabs and scenes.
Fixed: The code when the animal get the head stuck in a ledge was ignored on the Fall State.
Improved: Effect Manager now can be set inside the hierarchy.
Fixed: When the animal was flying and using Banking.. the Bank value was not resetting when the animal was on the ground.
Added: Aligner rotation now has an Angle Offset value.
Added: Zones now have Angle Limitation.
Fixed: Human Animator Landing Transitions had the wrong order.
Fixed: PickUp component Collectable() method needed to activate the Area Trigger.
Fixed: Weird bug that happens sometimes when stop mode is called on Start.
Fixed: Fall Damage was ignored
Fixed: Sprint was not being Updated correctly when changing states.
Fixed: Base Animal Animator had some of the Strafe transitions activated.
Updated Prefabs and scenes
Changed: Now the Create Inputs Context Menu on the Rider connects the Events to the Inputs, Instead of using a Scriptable bool variable
Updated: Pegasus Wings Animator.
Fixed: Messages Behaviours were sending double messages, causing unwanted issues.
Fixed: Tags Component HasTag method had the code inverted.
Added: PreStateMovement and PostStateMovement System.Action to Overwrite movement on the Animal controller by external scripts.
Improved: Fly State logic
Improved: Animal Core Movement NonRoot Motion Logic.
Fixed: Trigger Proxy was not resetting when the component was disabled.
Added: Waypoint Component. Added a new button to create a New Next waypoint.
Added: Small Info Box to the Speed Set. A reminder to use Position and Rotation for Non RootMotion Anims.
Added: Align_Self_To() method to the Aligner Component.
Fixed: Climb State was exiting immediately when using a Zone to start.
Fixed: Offset Climb was not execute correctly on the AI Control component
Added: ResetOffMesh List to the AI Animal Control component, to Reset OffMeshLinks in case the animal falls while he was on an offmesh link;
Fixed: Non Automatic Zones were not setting the Mode Power parameter correctly
Fixed: the Center of the Animal was not being calculated when the Height was != 1f.
Fixed: Platform movement was ignored.
Fixed: Fly Landing Multiplier for the raycast formula was wrong (Can be reproduced with scaled animals)
Added: Aim Component new Use Raycast Option. (To Remove Raycasting in case is not needed)
Added: Aim Assist Component AimPoint parameter.
Fixed: Aim Component Changing rapidly from left to right the Aim CM Camera. Added AimSideThreshold parameter to solve that issue
Fixed: Now Trigger proxies can used by more than one Animal.
Added: Trigger Proxy Component was sending all the colliders, now its send also the Root GameObject.
Improved: OnTriggerEnter and OnTriggerExit components.
Improved: Zones can have multiple animals inside.
Improved: Mode Logic.. removed unnecessary code.
Fixed: Check Mode Decision default Index was -1 instead of -99
Added: Fly State has now a Yellow Ray Gizmo to Show the Landing Multiplier
Added: Zone component can change the Ability Status as an Option.
Added: Mode Reactions can change the Ability Status as an Option.
Fixed: When a Message Behaviour is looping on itself and it has the same Message, it will not interrupt the Enter Message.
Added: Impulse to takeoff on the FlyState
Fixed: Mobile buttons for moving Up and Down was not working with the Forward movement Mobile Joystick Axis.
Improved: Animal Component Strafing does not require the MStrafe component any more. (it Uses the Aim Component which already does all the Strafing Code).
Added: New Inspector for all the Animal States.
Added: Component Selector for easy navigation inside any character hierarchy.
Fixed: [PickUp -Drop] Component now can be use in a Child GameObject.
Fixed: Weird behaviour on the Alignment when the Front ray touched the ground but the Angle was to deep.
Added: OnEnable|Disable Gameobject component.
Improved: Alignment to the ground is smoothed when entering from fall or Jump.
Added: On Teleport Event to the Animal Controller
Added: Reset_GameObject() and ResetMonoBehaviour() methods to the UnityUtils component.
Added: Restart() method to the Unity Event Raiser and Unity Event Exit components
Added: Tags to Trigger Proxy Component.
Fixed: Mount Component can now be used inside the animal Hierarchy.
Added: Message task use Broadcast Message
Modified: Rider Component now uses a Capsule preset to modify the Capsule while mounting.
Modified: Updated Rider Mount Animator and Horse Animator (Strafing)
Fixed: Reloading while aiming was not playing the Reload Animation.
Fixed: When the horse Teleports, the Cloth component for the Mane, Tail, and Reins had weird last behaviours.
Improved: Weapon Manager Aiming Logic.
Removed: Unity.Mathematic Package (not needed for now)
Added: Waypoint Button to add next targets.
Added: PatrolTask can use now Runtime GameObject to find Waypoints (Closest, Random,First,etc)
Added: StringVar and BoolVar to the MEvent Scriptable Object.
Added: String Listener
Added: String Comparer
Added: StateExitStatus Parameter. Needed for Climbing State better usage!.
Added: EnterState Tag. to the states
Fixed: Exit Transitions on the Raccoon Climb States.
Improved: Climb State logic.
Improved: Now with same Priority States; TryActivateState() logic is improved.
Added: Move AiTask now has Move to Last know location.
Fixed: Set Target Task Closest option was missing the logic.
Added: Check Stat Decision: Value Changed, Value Reduced, Value Increased
Added: RuntimeGameObjectSets Scriptable: On Set Empty, On Item Added, On Item Removed
Added: HDRP Shader Package for 2019 LTS and 2020+
Improved: AI States for the Brain now has internally the Tasks and Decisions
Fixed: Has Arrived Decision was giving a null exception when there was no target
Added: Abstract Reaction Component.
Modified: LookAt Decision uses Layer Reference values for the Obstacle Layer.
Added: AI Control Component null reference for SetTarget(Gameobject)
Fixed: Animator Global Speed from the Animal and the Rider were not in sync
Fixed: Fly State Gliding Gravity push was overwritten by the next line of code. Now its set on the right place.
Fixed: Animal AI Control InOffMesh was not resetting when it finish an OffMeshLink
Fixed: Mode Align was working on sleep/disabled animals.
Fixed: Attack Trigger where activated also when the Animal was Sleep.
Fixed: Input Axis on the Animal Component was not normalized.
Fixed: Animal Ai Control. When a Air Destination was set the first time it was ignored.
Fixed: Brain Animal Play Mode Task was failing if the Animal has no Target.
Fixed: AI Control. If the animal was waiting .. HasArrived was not being updated.
Improved: Brain Task Execution (cleaner code)
Added: Scriptable Coroutines Core script.
Improved: AnimTransform, BlendShape Preset, Bone Preset scripts. They all use Scriptable coroutines Now.
Added: Material Lerp
Added: Material Property Lerp
Fixed: Override Start mode was not working properly when the Animal GameObject was hidden
Fixed: Pick Up and Drop was still working when the script was disabled.
No changes to the Riding system this time..
Added: Combo Manager -> Combo Finisher Parameter, OnCombo Finished Event, and Debug.
Improved: ValueToString Component. Added more Methods and Prefix and Suffix parameters.
Changed: All Camera Prefabs are now on the Ignore Raycast layer.
Added: Message Assets
Added: Interactable OnFocused, On Unfocused events has the Interactor who is focusing them as parameter. Added Description.
Added: Behaviour_Enable(int) , Behaviour_Disable(int) to Unity Utils.
Added: Last Stance parameter on the Animator.
Added: Exit on Ability on the Mode Behaviour. For Mode Abilities that can activate automatically other Abilities. E.g Sit Howl will automatically activate the Sit Ability when exit.
Added: SetActive(Gameobject) SetActive(Component) to UnityUtils .
Improved: Pick up and Pickable components
Fixed: Toggle, Hold by Time Mode Status were ignored.
Fixed: Bug If the AI Animal was waiting the Brain AI States where Interrupted when.
Fixed: ModeTask Alignment feature was not working if the Brain component was not on the root.
Added: ModeAlign has now extra modes to check for alignment;
Added: Zone -> State Status option.
Removed: Zone -> Stat Modifiers
Improved: Zone code.
Added: Exit Tag to the States
Improved: Camera Input + SmoothVertical movement Logic.
Some of the Draw Store Animations while using the Left Hand where swapped.
Added: OnFocused, Delay and CoolDown parameters Interactable component.
Added: OnFocused, parameter Interactor component.
Fixed: If the animal was falling while using AI and it landed, it executed the Arrive code, without arriving to the final destination
Fixed: When using NavMesh Components new system(GitHub) and Null Reference was thrown when the new NavMeshLink.
Improved: MDamageable Reaction Logic.
Removed: Remain State parameter on the Brain Component.
Added: ResetInputSource to the Animal Controller.
Added: Empty string check on the Scene Editor Manager Script.
Fixed: Hurt UI Prefab was missing an Event connection with the Float Comparer
Fixed: Ai Control Resume Agent needed to Enable the Agent first, when finish a mode
Modified: Underwater Try activate uses MovementAxis <Smoothed> instead of <Raw>
Added: ModeAngle to PlayModeTask;
Added: MAnimalAIControl.NullTarget()
Added: Fly State LandOn Layer Mask (To also land on water)
Fixed: AlwaysForward was disconnected.
Fixed: Pressing Backwards input + <CameraInput = false> causes a null reference exception
Improved: Jump Basic Logic
Removed: Pickable component -> Drop, Pick Animal Reactions; to avoid dependencies with the Animal Controller, now they can be used on the Unity Events
Improved: Transform Animation Tweener .
Fixed: Sprint was Degenerated while the animal was not Moving
Added: Custom Inspector to Waypoints
All Scripts Components have [AddComponent ] properly organized
Fixed: OnStartMounted on the Rider the Mount Trigger was not assigned.
Improved: Some tweaks to the Walk, Canter, Trot, Gallop and Sprint animations back legs
Added: MWeapons RightHanded is now a scriptable bool (Requested by HeyBishop! ;) )
Added: IInput Source SetInputAxis(Vector2 input) method. Needed for the New Input System
Added: INTEGRATION with the New Input System (Ready)
Changed: Name of all Malbers Components on the Inspector.
Fixed: AI Control Stopping distance was not reset when using Set Destination (Click Point Example)
Fixed: AI Control, when using Point Click the Target was not reset when clicking on simple ground.
Improved: Interactable Interface has GameObject and ID for recognize the Interactable
Added: Interactor component (Point Click ).
Fixed: Aim Component. Ray Length parameter was not showing on the inspector.
Added: New Point Click Demo with AI Enemies
Added: Fall State now prevents missing ground check falling when the character has no fall from edge animation.
Added: MAnimalAiControl ClearTarget() Method
Improved: Float and Int Comparer components.
Added: Damager now uses the Interactor Interface
Improved: Joystick Component no longer uses Update to send V2 Values.
Improved: Input management for external Sources on the Animal Component is handled better. (Integration with New Input System)
Fixed: Zones were not resetting properly the Mode Ability when exiting the zone (Only when Reset Option was enabled).
Added: AI Animal Control Checks now for Impartial/Invalid Path
Added: Ai Animal Control <Point Stopping Distance>, used with SetDestination()...PointClick
Improved: Changed the Affect State solutions for the Modes, Using now Exist instead of Contains.
Modified: Zone Component Animal Layer Mask Parameter. Before the Search Layer was set internally
Added: Int/Float Comparer now has a Reorderable List Inspector
Added: Modify Stat as Scriptable Object.
Fixed: Fall while Strafing from Locomotion was setting a fall speed of zero
Fixed: Fetch demo.
Added: Gravity Limit Cycle to the Animal Component
Added: Right Hand, Left Hand Transform References for the Rider
Improved: IK Rein Component Code.
Added: DismountID to the Mount Trigger Component
Fixed: Dismount Behaviour Get Rider component changed to Find Component. (Game Creator Integration)
Improved: Brain Check Var Listener now uses Integer Scriptable Variables for the ID
Improved: Brain Check Var Listener now can check on GameObjects, Runtime set and TransformHooks.
Added: Interaction Trigger to the Animal Controller. This Interaction zone will be used by the Modes, States and the whole controller to interact with external objects.
Added: ITriggerInteract Interface.
Fixed: Going Backwards without RootMotion was not working.
Added: TriggerProxy component now has an ID parameter
Added: Set Var Listener Task for the Brain Component
Fixed: Sound Behaviour can have empty sound clips
Fixed: BlendShape component Inspector bug.
Modified: Zone component has a tag list instead of just 1 tag.
Added: IAnimator Listener to the AIAnimalControl component.
Modified: Messages component now sends message to Childs gameObjects.
Fixed: Damage Direction Mode Modifier. It was setting random values instead of directional values, for the 2 side Damage Option.
Added: Speed Modifiers Backwards Speed Multiplier.
Fixed: A disable zone was still working.
Added: States have now Exit Cooldown. (The state cannot be enabled after X time)
Fixed: Animations. Gallop Ears where aiming backwards a little bit
Improved: Rider FPC script. Now it has Mount Dismount Curve.
Fixed: IsOnHorse parameter was set to true OnStartMounting, It should be false.
Fixed: Horse Jump Animation State Exit Transitions
Fixed: If a Reference Var is Set to Variable and the variable is null it will automatically changed to Constant and it will use that value.
Added: GameObjectHook and TransformHook the methods UpdateHook, DisableHook()
Added: MoveTask -> Move to Next Target Option.
Modified: AiAnimalControl NextTarget is public now.
Modified: Aligner MainPoint and SecondPoint parameters are Transform References
Added: LookAt Task can look now at a Transform Var.
Fixed: Wolf Lite Animator had duplicated Mode Behaviours
Added: Look Decision 2 more types of Options: TransformVar and GameObjectVar
Added: AI Tasks: wait for Previous Task Option
Added: Brain Component -> Wait Task.
Added Cinemachine Input Mapper. (For Mobile Demo Scenes)
Modified: Stored Mount is a GameObject Reference instead of Mount Component
Added: Rider can now instantiate a horse when calling one.
Modified: Mobile Demo Scene. Added UI Button for Pistol.
Added: Can Strafe Parameter.
Added: Strafe as public variable
Added: GameObject Hook (Useful to create Gameobjects References at Runtime that can be access everywhere)
Added: Transform Hook (Useful to create Transform References at Runtime that can be access everywhere)
Added: Transform Scriptable Variable and Reference.
Improved: Strafe Logic
Fixed: Idle State has the Sprinting Disabled
Fixed: IsInFieldofView() Method from the LookDecision (Brain Component)
Added: CameraFreeRig now has its Movement Vector exposed as a Scriptable variable
Added: States now have CanStrafe parameter.
Added: Serialized Object Extensions
Improved: AI States Inspector for the Brain Feature
Added: Mode_Pin_Ability_Enable () Mode_Pin_Ability_Disable() to the animal component.
Added: Mode_Ability_Enable(int ModeID, int abilityID, bool enable) to the animal component.
Added: GetAbility(int Index) to the Modes class.
Fixed: UI and Inspectors for Unity 2019.4 LTS
Added. Reference Variable values now have a create (+) button.
AI Animal Control methods are virtual.
Fixed: Unity Bug Not showing Animator Animation States on later version.
Added: Descriptions to Unity Event Raiser/Exit and Var Listener Components.
Added Drop and Pick Delay values to the Pickabe Component
Fixed: Damager Valid method Owner null check.
Added: CreateScriptableAsset PropertyDrawer.
Added: Mode Reaction: Enable/Disable Ability
Added: ID value to the AI States for the animal
Added: On AIState Changed event to the Brain Component.
Fixed: CheckScriptable Variable Decision. the Variables were set to Null at the end of the decision.
Fixed: LookDecision Search for modes.
Added: Scriptable variables can be debugged.
Added: New InvokeEvent Task (Animal Brain)
Fixed: Set Target Task (Animal Brain)
Fixed: AI Animal Control was skipping to the Next Target when using SetTarget by code.
Added: Animator Event Sound StopPlaying and PlaySoundForever methods.
Added: Animator Event Sound (Internal Source and Interval parameters)
Fixed: Message Task Update mode. It now has a Interval value.
Fixed: PickUp Component, OnFocused Item was not showing on the Inspector.
Fixed: PickUp Component, Start with an Item picked was not working.
New Collect Animation Steve
Fixed: Instant Dismount Rotation Error.
Added: Correct Fly Strafe Animations.
Poly Art. Pegasus
Poly Art horse UV updated
Horse Poly Art using Color Chart 4x4 v2
Fixed: Mount trigger of other horses where interfering with the mounting animations.
Added: Cloth Component to the Mane, Tail and Reins
Added Horns for Unicorns
Improved: Input Source connection with the Animal Controller.
Added: Capsule Collider Preset.
Added: Sneak and Dodge animations to the Human (Steve and Cowboy HAP)
Added: Mobile Pegasus Sample Scene
Mount Position and Rotation updates their values while mounting (Integration with UCC)
Added: Cancel Aim to the Shootable Weapons
Fixed: Mount Triggers were not resetting the Rider when they were disable
Fixed: AI Agents was enabled when an animal was on a mode, when it should have been disabled.
Fixed HAP: Mount Trigger where exiting the Collider sooner when the Rider with more than one collider)
Fixed HAP: Pegasus was not gilding properly.
Fixed: When creating a Fly State the FreeMove was Disabled.
Fixed: When adding for the First time Animal Component,it was using the old IntID & FloatID instead ModeStatus & StateFloat. Animator parameters.
Fixed: Pitch Direction was not being calculated when the animal was not on Free Movement.
Fixed: Fly Down Aceleraron was using Target Direction instead of Inertia Position.
Added: Mode Reaction can activate a mode Forever. Until is interrupted by ModeStop().
Fixed: Modes can play forever when its Input is pressed down.
Prepared HAP for Invector's Controller.
Improved: Trigger Proxy Component
Fixed: 2019.2 #Define custom Symbol for Malbers Editor and MTools. for Unity 2019.2 projects
Fixed: Stopped {NaN,NaN,NaN} Rigid body errors
Fixed: Sometimes the animal starts with the Fall States (in Unity 2020)
Fixed: Swim exits to Fall state when hitting a Hard Surface.
Added: Transition from to the Modes Abilities. E.g: now the Animal can go from the Action Seat -> to Sleep. when all the Transition on the Animator are set properly.
Fixed: Bug on Build on Malbers Input
Fixed: Idles can be interrupted any time.. does not need to finish their transitions
Fixed: UpDown Movement for Flying creatures are more stable
Fixed: LookAt, Can have Non Bones GameObjects in their Logic
Fixed: All Idles state have <Orient to Ground> Disabled...
Checking Missing References on Brain and Ai Animal Control components.
Added: Animal Reactions.
State Reaction
Stance Reaction
Mode Reaction
Speed Reaction
Gravity Reaction
Movement Reaction
Added: Modify Stat Component. Used to Modify stats when animal interact with anything (triggers, projectiles.. etc)
Added: Projectile Component. Used for Fireballs, Arrows, Grenades, Rocks
Removed: Fireball script (obsolete). Now uses the Projectile Component.
Added: Now Physic base objects are affected by the Animal:
Added: Projectile Thrower Component
Added: Predict Trajectory Component
Added: Explosion component.
Added: Speed_SetTopIndex() Method to Animal Controller
Added: OneColliderParameter to TriggerProxy Component. (When an animal enters a Trigger with multiple colliders inside[Head, Spine], It will just be activate with one collider).
Added: Component Extension FindComponent<T>
Removed. Global Properties on the Modes.
Removed: Animation Tag on the Modes (is no longer needed)
Improved: Inspector on Animal Modes. (reorderable List for Abilities)
Improved: Fall State.
Improved: Climb State
Improved: Malbers Input and MInput Logic.
Fixed: MInput: Double Tap now uses correctly OnInput Changed Event
Added : Toggle Input type to MInput Component
Added: Ignore on Pause to MInput Component (Inputs won't work on TimeScale = 0)
Modified: States: Try Activate uses the State Input Value by Default.
Added: States now have Try Loop.. to increase performance to the Try State cycle
Added: ForceMode. Modes can interrupt each other. (Used on the Combo Manager)
Added: Active parameter on mode Animations, now the Abilities can be disabled
Added: Repeat to the Unity Event Raiser.
Added: Speed Sets have Stance List too (IMPORTANT). Stances that use the same States can have their own Speed modifiers.
Added: MEvents are debuggable
Fixed: Gravity Acceleration keep increasing if the animal touched an obstacle with the head.
Fixed: If the Animal Front Ray Touches a Ground, but not the Hip Ray, the Animal will move forward.
Fixed: Fly State was Resetting lock speed after a new state was changed.
Added: Force Zones
Added: States can now try to exit on other Animations that are not the main State Animation. (Exit On Main). E.g The Fall State can also exit when is on the Fall From Edge Animation.
Improved: State BasicJump. Now it uses Default Time instead of the Animation Time.
Added: Basic Jump Profiles
to the Animal Controller, to change States at Runtime.
Improved: PickUP and Pickable components does not longer need an Animal to work. it can be used as a stand-alone component.
Removed: Animal Controller Dictionary List State (States are no more than 10 per animal)
Added: Locomotion Check Falling Backwards.
Added: Damager and Damageable Component. they will be the components to give and receive Damage to all the animals.
Fixed: Disabling the AiAnimalControl broke the AI.
Modified: Attack Trigger now inherit from Damager.
Added: Humanoids using the Animal Controller can also Mount an Animal!!
Added: Locomotion State updates the State Status animator Parameter with the Speed Modifier Index (To know in the Animator which speed Index is using & use it inside the animator).
Fixed: When Jumping UpHill the Animal is was not aligned to the terrain
Added: Mode Time to the Animal Controller. Useful to create Combos.
Fixed: Sound Behavior.. it was interrupted if it play the same Animation State.
Added Combo Manager... Make combos with the Controller
Added: Holster Manager
Modified: Fly State now has its Flap and Glide Speed public.
Fixed: Fall State Normalized Blend Fall.
Removed: Mount name parameter to the Mount Trigger.. (Obsolete)
Added: Pegasus
Modified Rider Combat is now Weapon Manager.
Removed: Ability System for the Rider Combat (Now is the Ride Profile)
Added: Ride Profile to modify the bones of the Rider while using a weapon.
Modified : Holder Enum is now Holster ID
Modified: Weapon component completely redesign.
Modified: Using Delegates to Send Parameters to the Animator.
Added: AnimalAnimatorSync (to Sync Animator Parameters of an Animal to another Animator)
Fixed: IMDamage Interface it was not using the Damage Modes.
Fixed: Attack Trigger was not working if the Trigger was in a different GameObject.
Modified: Trigger Proxy was using IngoreLayers (Changed to the Inverse <HitLayers> )
Fixed: Blend Shapes Editor, Blend Shapes Array Size overload.
Fixed: Queued States Logic.
Modified: Death State is simpler :)
Fixed: Horse Animator Jump exit transitions.
Fixed: Melee Weapons did not hit animals while the rider was on Foot (Invector Integration)
Added: Mount Dismount Elephant Animations
Fixed: Bow Inspector. Initial Bow Rotation wasn't being serialized.
Added: Custom Up Down Axis to the Animal Controller. Used on Mobile Up Down Buttons for Flying
Improved Movement Logic for the Animal when moving with Direction.
Added: Damager transform to the IMDamage Interface (To know who's doing the damage)
Removed CROSS_PLATFORM_INPUT (is obsolete)
Fixed: Shader Water .. now its made with ASE (it was causing issues with URPL)
Fixed: State.EnterAnimation() method. Some Stae weren't modifying the AnimTags
Fixed: Sometimes modes where entering twice on the Animator, causing invoking events twice.
Added: Tags Static Method: GetGameObjects by Tag
Fixed: Underwater Check for water even though the animal is not on the water.
Added: AiAnimalControl.SetDestination(Vector3Var newDestination)
Fixed: Ai Animal control does not control anymore the speed changes.
Added: Timeline integration.
Added: MTimelineManager Component.
Added: Zone warning when an animal cannot activate an Mode/Action Zone
Modified: Check for null reference on the Aim and LookAt components
Added: Scriptable Variable Material_List
Fixed: When Animals were grouped on an Empty GameObject, the Attack triggers used the first Animal on the hierarchy. (SOLVED).
Added: Update Input Source method on the Animal (Rewired Integration)
Fixed: Brain was throwing errors when Waypoints were removed at runtime. SOLVED
Added: GetResource method to the Malbers tools.
Added: Custom Tags to Zones. Only Animal with the zone tag can interact with it.
Fixed: The way the wolf rotates In Place when change the speed abruptly
Added: Root Gameobject Reference for the Rider. This may cause issues with characters that have the Animator in places different from the Rider component
Added: Drag on Area Mobile joystick.
Fixed: Unwanted falling From Edge while going uphill. FINALLY!!!
Added: Anti-Fall Feature to the Locomotion state (For animals without a Fall State) E.g. Elephant
Improved: Try Activate Condition on the Idle and Locomotion State
Fixed: Gravity Bug when the animal get the head sucked on a ledge.
Small Optimizations to all MAnimal public Properties.
Added: HasMalbersTag extension to transform and gameobject
Added: Animal.HasState(string stateName)
Added: Malbers Menu > Upgrade Malbers Shaders to URLP/HRLP
Added: Step Manager can now Instantiate Tracks too, instead of using one Particlesystem.
Added AnimHeight Optional Parameter to the Animal Controller
Added AnimHeight Parameter to the Zone Component.
Added: Affect Stat on the Fall State (E.G. Reduce Health by Fall Distance)
Fixed: Sometime an Error was thrown on Straight mount when the animal was dismounting.
Added: Mount→ Disable Mount Triggers.
Fixed: UI on the Demo scene was disconnected . (Arrows and Bullet Count)
Added: Fly State Land Time.. to avoid immediately landing after the take off.
Fixed: When playing Modes the Random Value was enable, it caused Random Idles to play on the Lower Layer
Fixed: Small fixes to the Mode Inspector
Added: Value Property to Bool, Int and Float Listener Component
Added: CheckVarListener Decision to the Brain AI
Added HelpBox Attribute
Added: On Enter, On Exit Event to the Attack Triggers
Fixed: UpdateDirectionSpeed was false instead of true on Start (It caused Zero movement on Non Root Motion Character). IMPORTANT
Added: AND AI Biain Decisions
Added: OR AI Brain Decisions
Fixed: AI Animal Control Must wait one frame to Set the next Target.
Added: Look Decision can Search for a Specific Zone with Index
Fixed: Play Mode Task (Modes can Interrupt other modes, E.g Attack can interrupt being hitted)
Changed: Ground Layer on the Animal is changed to a Layer Var
Fixed: Animal Ai Control. When the animal has assigned a Waypoint with no next Target the animal did not stop.
Added StateStatus Parameter to the Animal Animator. it allows to change animations on the Active State
Fixed: On Climb Start Animations the Animal was not aligned to the Wall
Added: Start on Mode.
Added: Pick Up and Drop Logic
Added: Pickable Item & PickUp UI
Added: to MAnimal HasState() and HasMode() bool methods
Added: Maximum Gravity Acceleration Limit.
Fixed: Animal AI was not able to swim (Now it can using a Nav mesh on the Water).
Fixed: CurrentSpeedIndex property had an issue when updating the speed.
Fixed: UI for the Speed Modifiers Foldout
Modified: Water Layer on the Swim State is now Public.
Fixed: Death was not Interrupting Modes.
Fixed: Mode_Activate_Ability method was throwing an error if the mode was disabled
Added: AutoMount parameter to the mount triggers.
Fixed: Effect Manager Editor issue with empty Effects.
Fixed: Scriptable Reference variables with null Scriptable Vars
Added: Zone new Parameter Remove Animal on Active
Added: Degeneration Wait Time to the Stat Component.
Fixed: When Stats gets to 0 degen did not start again.
Fixed: When going Backwards with no Root Motion, it was going forward
Attack Triggers have now Which Mode Activate and which Ability Index (by Default is Damage)
Fixed: Inspector for Message Behaviours
Added: State_AllowExit() to the Animal Callbacks.
Fixed: Fall ray was failing when Raycast Radius was Zero on the Animal.
Fixed: Wait variable on the AI Animal Control was set to true when Stop was called..
Fixed: Removed Warning with the NavMesh Agent when the Animal was flying and it has arrived to a destination.
Fixed: Additional Speed is locked when the Modes are not allowed the movement
Fixed: Movement Detected on the Animator was not updating when the Animal was on a mode and Allow Movement was false.
Added: New Scriptable Variable : Layer Var
Fixed: Underwater State Try Activate method was entering every time. solved
Added: On Trigger Proxy.. Added the Option to ignore Triggers
Fixed: Move Stop Task on the AI brain was not updating the Stopping distance on the Move to target option.
Fixed: Sometimes the animal is to large and when flying the Landing Logic is blocked by the head bone and affects the AI when landing... Added new Blocking Bone Landing Logic to the fly state
Fixed: Down and Up Inputs Connect with the States with OnInputDown Event instead Of InputChanged Event
FIxed: Order of Check State activations conditions
Fixed: Idle State Try Activation was using MovementAxis Smooth instead of MovementAxis Raw
Fixed: GlideOnly on Fly State + Camera Input caused Unwanted behaviour
Fixed: Fly Allow Exit On Input Changes when is using Toggle and Press
Fixed: Creating Layers Now does not create duplicated Enemy Layers
Fixed: On Point Click Error throw by the Animal AI Control when A mode was interrupted by a new Destination
Removed: Instantiate Parameter on the Effect Manager.
Fixed: Stopping 1 frame on WayPoints with no wait time
Fixed: Lock Movement with AI has ignored.
Added: Debug Aim Name
Fixed: Aim Assist was using the Root Transform instead of the Collider
Fixed: Attack Trigger On Exit Enemy Stats where skipped when the trigger was disable.
Added: AI Brain (Based on the Plugable AI Tanks Tutorials by Unity)
Added: Aligner Script
Added: Mode Parameter [Ignore Lower Modes]: which Modes with higher priorities to interrupt other modes.
Added: Animal Center Parameter (Position beween both Hip and Chest Pivots)
Fixed Bug: The Imnnune property on the Stat was not working properly
Added: IWayPoint Interface new methods (TargetArrive and WPTransform)
Added: Required Field Attribute
Fixed: Attack Trigger collider component where not set to Trigger on Enabled.
Fixed: Bug. Modes sometimes stayed Active after the mode was disabled.
Removed: Height Parameter (is no longer Needed)
Fixed: On the Stats: Degenerate it was not Degenerating on Enable.
Added: Aligner Attack Modifier (It does the same as the Attack Aligner Mode Modifier).
Removed Align Section from the Zones and Replaced it with the new aligner Component
Zones are now Prefab Variants
Fixed: Jump Basic Parameters and Activate method.
Added: ModeAligner Script
Added: AITarget Script and IAITarget Interface
Added: Mode Parameter [Ignore Lower Modes]: which Modes with higher priorities to interrupt other modes
Fixed: Modes sometimes got stuck.
Fixed: Attack triggers with big areas did not attack twice if the target animal never exited the Attack trigger
Fixed: Undo on Blend Shape component
Fixed: Undo on Material Changer component
Fixed: Undo on Active Meshes component
Added: Jump Basic has now multiple Jumps
Added: AI Climb UP (Check Racocon)
Fixed: On Scaled Animals the Falling Gravity was failing
Fixed: Annoying bug that jump into the sky when was on a ledge or the ground disappear
Added: Enable Disable Sound Event Method
Added: Perching Zone (Birds)
Added Random Parameter... it was interfering with the Int ID when it was used as a Mode Status
Added Speed Lock Change Method so It can be able to lock speed changes .
Fixed Bug: when using AIAnimal Control, the Next target on an Action zone is Null, the animal kept trying to enable the Zone
Fixed: When Jumping without Forward movement the animal did not can move forward when Air Control was enabled
Added: Speed Methods to change Speed via Code
Fixed: Fly |Try Exit| Condition (Animal Scale and Land Multiplier were not applied)
Fixed: Lomotion |TryActivate| Condition (UPDown Axis was Ignored)
Fixed All Animator Exit Conditions on all Assets
Added Tool Tips to the States Parameters
Fixed Bug (when an animal get stuck on a Falling animation with the colliders and It can land the Gravity Acceleration get reset.
Created Basic Jump State
Fixed Bug: Glide Only left The Current Speed disabled.
Fixed Bug: AI Animal Control was failing when it the agent was out of the NavMesh because the Agent Component was disable.
Added Gravity Direction to the Free Look Camera
Fixed: Rotation on the Free Look Camera is now updated with the Update Type (Fixed or Late Update)
Added: Ledge Grab State!!!
Added: Glide State!!!
Improved: AI Control is hugely Improved to be ready for A*Pathfinding Integration. A* Integration Ready.
Improved: Mode Logic, Cleaned, Reviewed line by line.. and Improved (Feeling very proud about this one).
Fixed: All meshes now can be imported correctly to Blender3D. the CG bone was not included in the skin.
Fixed: Important bug. Causing Build crashes <01 - Patrol AI State> was corrupted.
Added: States now can have the same Priority (IMPORTANT) . E.g. Swim and Climb wont ignore each other.
Modified: New Beta version of the Unity Input System Integration
Fixed**: Sometime (Tricky Bug) 2 states tried to activate themselves at the same time... That causes the Animal to stay on a Pending state forever.
Improved: Implemented a better solution for falling and the animal get stuck while falling.
Cinemachine is the Default Camera Rig
Modified: StateStatus Animator Parameter is a Main Parameter now .