💔Common Issues

The animal is not moving

You are making a custom animal, but when you try to move it, it does the animations, but won't move forward. Most of the time, the animations you are using are not RootMotion.

Check this Tutorial.

The animal is falling near the ground

If the animal starts to fall for no reason, it should be because the Ground Layer in the animal controller is set to Nothing, or the layer of the Game Objects considered ground is set to a different layer.

The Default value for the Ground Layer is Default. You must add your other ground Layers to the Animal Ground Layer Mask.​

Ground Layer is set to Nothing

States are not getting active or are [Pending] (Missing Tag)

When the state does not get active, or the state goes to the Pending state, usually the reason is that The Animation tag is not properly set.

Make sure the Animation Tag matches your State :

The Character slides on Slopes

If the character slides when it's on slopes, make sure the Main Collider is not touching the ground. The Animal Controller works with a floating Main Collider. Make sure the collider is set from the Hip to the Head

The Interaction with the ground is calculated using rays

The character jitters when it moves

If the character jitters, ensure the Brain Camera is set to Fixed Update and the Animator Controller is set to Animate Physics.

Last updated

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