Mode Behavior
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This Animator Behavior lets the animal controller know when the Mode Ability starts and ends. Helps to identify when the Mode Start, Loops, gets Interrupted or Exits.
All Mode state animations must have this Animator behavior attached.
What mode does this Animation state belongs to. It sends the correct value to the Animal Controller.
Is this animation the start animation for the Mode?
By Default is set to true if the Mode is playing 1 animation.
Does this animation update the values of the mode during its reproduction?
By Default is set to true if the Mode is playing 1 animation.
By Default is set to true if the Mode is playing 1 animation.
When the Animation ends, it will exit to another ability instead of no Mode. The ModeStatus value will change from 0 to this value to allow the Animator to reproduce the next Ability.
An example of this is the Howl ability from the wolves. the Wolf can howl when doing nothing (default Howl), when Sitting or when Idling. If the howl was called from the Sit Mode then the howl, when its finishes it will go back to the Sit Mode:
When this option is enabled, no Exit or Interrupted transitions are needed.
This requires that the Empty Transition has a transition:
When No Exit Transition is enabled. This value is the normalized time to exit the animation
A Mode Ability can have multiple Animations:
For example, Sleep has Sleep Enter, Sleep, Sleep Exit. In this case, the Mode Behaviour is Set on the Enter Sleep with the Enter Mode = true, No Behaviour in Sleep, and the Exit Sleep with the Exit Mode = true.
Here's a tutorial on how to create complex modes: