👨‍💻Public Methods

Public Variables, Method and Properties for the Stats Component you can call via script


public List<Stat> stats


//Updates all the stats on the lists
public void Stats_Update()
//Updates a stat logic by its Stat ID or Stat ID value
public void Stats_Update(StatID iD);
public void Stats_Update(int iD)

//Enable a stat
public void Stat_Enable(StatID iD);

//Disable a stat
public void Stat_Disable(StatID iD);

//Disable a stat Degeneration logic
public void DegenerateOff(StatID ID)

//Enable a stat Degeneration logic
public void DegenerateOn(StatID ID) 

//Pin a Stat by its Name
public void Stat_Pin(string name)

//Set PinnedStat searching for a int ID value
public void Stat_Pin(int ID)

//Set PinnedStat searching for a StatID
public void Stat_Pin(StatID ID) 

//Find a Stat Using its name, ID or ID value, 
//and Return it. It Also saves the returned stat on PinnedStat
public Stat Stat_Get(string name)
public Stat Stat_Get(int ID)
public Stat Stat_Get(IntVar ID)
public Stat Stat_Get(StatID ID)

//Modify a the value of a Stat using its ID, ID value or Name 
public void Stat_ModifyValue(StatID ID, float modifyvalue) 
public void Stat_ModifyValue(int ID, float modifyvalue)
public void Stat_ModifyValue(string name, float modifyvalue)

//Modify Stat Value instantly (Add/Remove to the Value)
public void Stat_Pin_ModifyValue(float value);
public void Stat_Pin_ModifyValue(FloatVar value);

//Modify Stat Multiplier instantly (Add/Remove to the Value)
public void Stat_Pin_SetMult(float value);
public void Stat_Pin_SetMult(FloatVar value);

//Modify Stat Value in a X time period(Add/Remove to the Value
public void Stat_Pin_ModifyValue(float value, float time);
//Modify Stat Value in 1 second period(Add/Remove to the Value)
public void Stat_Pin_ModifyValue_1Sec(float value);

//Set  Stat Value to a fixed Value
public void Stat_Pin_SetValue(float value);

//Modify the Pinned Stat MAX Value (Add or remove to the Max Value)
public void Stat_Pin_ModifyMaxValue(float value); 

//Set the Pinned Stat MAX Value
public void Stat_Pin_SetMaxValue(float value);

//Enable/Disable the Pinned Stat Regeneration Rate 
public void Stat_Pin_Modify_RegenRate(float value);

//Enable/Disable the Pinned Stat Degeneration
public void Stat_Pin_Degenerate(bool value);

//Enable/Disable the Pinned Stat Regeneration
public void Stat_Pin_Regenerate(bool value);

//Enable/Disable the Pinned Stat
public void Stat_Pin_Enable(bool value);

// Clean the Pinned Stat from All Regeneration/Degeneration coroutines
public void Stat_Pin_CleanCoroutines() 

Last updated

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