🔸Stat Modifier


Stat Modifier is a Struct class to help modify Stats on the Stats Component



ID value of the Stat


Amount used on the Modify Action.


Actions to do to the Stat

Add Value

Adds to the Value of the Stat, the value parameter

Set Value

Sets the Value of the Stat, the value parameter

Subtract Value

Subtracts to the Value of the Stat, the value parameter

Modify Max Value

Modify to the Maximum Value of the Stat, the value parameter

Set Max Value

Set to the Maximum Value of the Stat equals to the value parameter


Start Degenerating the Stat. Also Set the Degenerate Rate of the stat equals to the value parameter

Stop Degenerate

Stops Degenerating the Stat. Also Set the Degenerate Rate of the stat equals to the value parameter


Start Regenerating the Stat. Also Set the Regenerate Rate of the stat equals to the value parameter

Stop Regenerate

Stops Regenerating the Stat. Also Set the Regenerate Rate of the stat equals to the value parameter


Reset the Stat to its Reset Value.

Reduce by Percent

Reduces to the Value of the Stat by a value represented in percent.

Increase by Percent

Increases to the Value of the Stat by a value represented in percent.


Set the multiplier value of the stat

Reset to Max

Reset the stat to the maximum value

Reset to Min

Reset the stat to the minimum value


Enables/Disables the stat


Sets the stat to Immune so it can't be altered

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