Active Meshes


This component toggle gameobjects on and off on a list. Useful to switch props on a character.

When you click the Change Mesh Button it will cycle between all the Meshes on the Active Mesh. This only work on the Editor. For Game purposes use Public methods.

It uses a List of <Active Meshes> to switch through them

You can create any new Active Mesh by clicking on the Plus(+) button of the list.


Shows/Hide the selected Active Mesh properties.

When you select an Active Mesh on the list you will have the (Index), the Name, and Button with the Current Active mesh

Random [R]

It will set a random Mesh on Start on every Active Mesh. Useful to create random variations.

Active Mesh

The Active Mesh is a struct class that holds all the Parameters and properties needed to hide/toggle the transforms inside a character.

Set an empty gameobject on the list in case you want to have no transforms shown.

Methods and Properties

void Randomize()

Randomize all the Active Meshes on the list

void SetActiveMeshesIndex(int[] MeshesIndex)

Set All the ActiveMeshes Indexes from the Meshes list.

void ChangeMesh(int index)

Select an element from the list by the index, and change to the next variation.

void ChangeMesh(int index, int MeshIndex)

Select an element from the list by the index, and change to a variation using the variation Index.

void ChangeMesh(string name, bool next)

Randomize all the

Select an element from the list by the name, and change next or before Mesh (.


Randomize all the Active Meshes on th

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