↗️Upcoming Changelog
⚠️Note to self: Make a BUILD before updating!! (Avoid Build Errors!)
⚙️This indicates that the Feature/BUG is currently being worked on.
Fix Raven RootMotion animations
Unreal Rabbit FUR
FIX Poly Art Tiger issue with RootMotion
Unreal Racoon FUR
Mobile Dragon Skeletal Meshes crashes in UE5.5
LOD for Kuzar!!
Fix Tiger Sketchab Demo
1.4.9(AC) - 4.4.9(HAP) - 2024
Added: Torch IK Manager Sample
Added: AI Decision -> Check New Conditions!!!!!!!
Added: IK Manager -> Mode Weight now can exclude all modes
Added: Ladder State -> Now it has IK Solution for placing the Hands and Feet on the ladder
Added: Conditions2 a better and faster way to use conditions everywhere
Added: Modes -> New Enter, Exit, and Interrupt Conditions.
Added: Modes -> New ForceIgnorePriority bool
Added: MProjectile. On RayCastHit event
Added: GameObject Reaction.
Added: Create Human Menu (Player and AI)
Added: MDamageable OnEnter On Exit Profile Events
Added: Mode Abilities now can copy the Audio data to all other abilities
Added: Respawner -> QuickRespawn.
Added: Slide State -> Exclude Malbers Tags in Ground Changer
Added: IK Manager -> Weight Animator Parameter comparer
Added: IK Manager -> Weight conditions
Added: IK Manager -> State Weight Check Profile
Added: Slide Max Enter slope limit to avoid sliding on weird surfaces
Added: Rider -> Now it can be set to kinematic while mounting
Fixed: Stances not rotating on Idle. When Strafe was enabled
Fixed: Glide State -> Start height was ignored on State.Activate()
Fixed: Climb-> Align Start used the Normal of the wall instead of the direction..
Fixed: Bullets set to Impact None, were not placed in the Hit Target position.
Fixed: Editor -> IDs dropdown menu was not setting the correct value on arrays
Fixed: IDs on an array were not being picked correctly.
Fixed: Editor ->Modes Abilities now shows the currently selected Ability
Fixed: Zone Forces were not affecting Glide and Fly.
Fixed: Int Range Var was inheriting from float var instead of int var
Fixed: VariableReference Drawer was not calculating the height correctly when the property has multiple rows
Fixed: Force Mode Modifier were not interrupting Jump forces.
Fixed: IK Goal Human Offset. Now it works better with local Targets
Fixed: Respawner was destroyed when disabled
Fixed: Automatic Zones were not activating if the animal was inside the zone but some of the conditions were not true.
Fixed: Standard Shader was causing blue bloom on the Standard Fur Shader
Fixed: AI -> Jumping Across Offmesh link was not jumping on the correct direction
Fixed: Check missing colliders was not checking disabled colliders,
Fixed: Shooteable Spread Angle was ignored.
Fixed: GroundChangesGravity was setting the gravity to zero when no ground was found
Fixed: GrabLedge was not cleaning the inertia from the movement when activated
Changed: Use Transform now uses a TransformReference.
Improved: Slide State had some changes to enhance ground detection
⚙️Added: Optional Animator Parameter Last Mode
⚙️Added: New Ability ID choosing system for Modes??
⚙️Added: Basic Vehicle State
⚙️Fixed: Swim Bounce when entering the water was too deep
⚙️Added: Basic empty state??
⚙️DarkSiders Idea: Rolling, Dashing on Edges the character will not fall..
⚙️Darskiders Idea: Quick Input, Normal Attack, Hold Input Heavy Attack
⚙️Mode Aling v2...
⚙️Conditions v2⚙️
Effect Manager ViewPort Handles..⚙️Sphere OnTrigger Enter Exit (Tag)⚙️Split Screen Demo
FOUND A WEIRD ISSUE WITH ROTATING PLATFORMS... it slowly pushes the character from the correct position
⚙️Added: Basic Vehicle State
⚙️Added: Basic empty state??
States Different States: (Manual, Automatic, Automatic by State, by Interactor, by Zone
DarkSiders Idea: Rolling, Dashing on Edges the character will not fall..
Darskiders Idea: Quick Input, Normal Attack, Hold Input Heavy Attack
Mode Aling v2...Object
⚙️ Rider does not die when mounting
⚙️State Inspector does not allow dragging objects or using the Objkect reference button in Unity 6
Next New features Possible additions
Added: Missing hit test on weapons the Numbers (Check the Bow why is hitting all the time)
⚙️Added: Scriptable IK Processors
⚙️Swipe Mobile screen
NEW DEMO FOR Transform Translators⚙️Added:Conditions are Serialized References (IMPORTANT)⚙️Added: Local Multiplayer with New Input System
⚙️Added: Copy Paste Any State Animator Tools ??
⚙️Added: Weapons can have Owner Stats to Increase the Damage to do
⚙️Melee Weapons Charge Increase Attack Option
Bugs reported Email
⚙️Added: Stat System -> not it can have multiple Degeneration and Regeneration besides the default one
Removed: Animations Warnings for Humanoids when Importing for the first time 60%
Extra Runtime
May or may not be pushed to the next-next update.
Added:⚙️Combo Manager -> Play AutoCombo. This allows AI to Play a combo automatically.
Added: ⚙️Ragdoll State!
Added: ⚙️Zipline State
Added: ⚙️Rail Grind State
Added: ⚙️Stair Grind State
Added⚙️: Climb State DropLedge Feature?
Added: ⚙️ Player Repositioning using Camera Direction https://youtu.be/mGddMqhQHDQ?t=35
Fix!!!! Rabbits Eyes are embedded in the main texture
Added: Condition Exit to Modes. (E.g. Exit when grounded)
Added: New 3rd person Camera Main (Compatible with New Input System) 😩
Added: Injured Stance (Human) ⚙️
⚙️In Progress: Brain Component Slave Brain. (This allows to control 2 brains at the same time) Useful for Mount and Rider stuff.??
⚙️In Progress: Fall Rotator (Allow to use the Rotator on the Fall State to do cool swim Jump Animations)
Added: ⚙️New Advanced Weapon System
Added:⚙️ Rider Dismount Uses now Raycast to avoid unwanted dismount situations
RoadMap - Upcoming Features
🛣️Road MapLast updated
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