↗️Upcoming Changelog

⚠️Note to self: Make a BUILD before updating!! (Avoid Build Errors!)

⚙️This indicates that the feature is currently being worked on.

1.4.5(AC) - 4.4.5(HAP)

  • ⚙️Added: Stat System -> not it can have multiple Degeneration and Regeneration besides the default on0e

  • Added: Animal Tracker Component (This component allows to listen to Modes, State, Stances, and changes on the Animal and Do Stuff with it) Useful for IK features

  • Added: IK Manager Component. All IK logic will be handled in this component.

    • Human IK Processors

    • Generic Processors

    • Unity Rig System Link

  • Added: Local Vars Component. -> Store accessible variables everywhere.

  • Added: In-Game Runtime Window

  • Added: Set Local Vars Reaction

  • Added: Brain -> Set Local Vars Task and Check Local Var Decision

  • Added: ⭐New State (Wall Run Vertical)

  • Added: Cloth Meshes for Steve (Shirt, Pants, Shorts, Shoes)

  • Added: Pre-Teleport Event

  • Added: ModeAlign -> Ignore Close. Repositioning the Character if the distance is already close will be ignored.

  • Added: On Trigger Enter -> On Core Object Event. (This allow to invoke as a parameter the Core Object that has the collider)

  • Added: Patrol Task -> Local Runtime Set option

  • Fixed: Teleports a character invokes an event to teleport the camera too.

  • Fixed: Glide State -> Input was not reset on Failed properly.

  • Fixed: Reaction -> Delaying reactions were only applying the reaction to the first target.

  • Fixed: AI Control was using the default Stopping distance instead of the AI Target override

  • Fixed: Brain -> Set Target Task -> Runtime Set was setting the Move target to true automatically

  • Fixed: Camera Rotation Movement was faster in lower framerates.

  • Fixed: Aim Component -> When disabled the values were not disabled

  • Fixed: Fly State -> Landing pushed the character in the wrong position.

  • Fixed: Jump Basic State jumping from Land caused acceleration on the Character (Added Clamp Speed)

  • Fixed: Horse Animset Pro -> Wagon Demo scene

  • Fixed: Sometimes the Charged modes when released to fast were not cancelled

  • Fixed: When Disabling the animal, The last state will be the first state that will play

Next New features

  • Removed: Animations Warnings for Humanoids when Importing for the first time 60%

  • Added: Ultimate Selector -> GamePad Vector2 Selection..


  • Playing around with Force on the Zone. Is there any way to blend the zone (Like Blend Distance on a Global Volume works) so the force is stronger further in the zone.

  • Free Climb -> DOWN from Ledge anim

  • Free Climb -> Corner Animation (Inner and Outer x Left-Right)


  • Runtime Skinned Mesh renderer Swap

  • Extra Runtime

1.4.5(AC) - 4.4.5(HAP) NEXT

  • Added:

  • Changed:

  • Fixed:

  • Improved:

May or may not be pushed to the next-next update.

  • Added:⚙️Combo Manager -> Play AutoCombo. This allows AI to Play a combo automatically.

  • Added: ⚙️Ragdoll State!

  • Added: ⚙️Zipline State

  • Added⚙️: Climb State DropLedge Feature?

  • Added: ⚙️ Player Repositioning using Camera Direction https://youtu.be/mGddMqhQHDQ?t=35

  • Added: Rail Grind State ⚙️

    • (BEAR ✅)

  • Added: Condition Exit to Modes.

  • Added: New 3rd person Camera Main (Compatible with New Input System) 😩

  • Added: Injured Stance (Human) ⚙️

  • ⚙️In Progress: Brain Component Slave Brain. (This allows to control 2 brains at the same time) Useful for Mount and Rider stuff.??

  • ⚙️In Progress: Fall Rotator (Allow to use the Rotator on the Fall State to do cool swim Jump Animations)

  • Added: ⚙️Basic Steve Armor. (Test for Upcoming Inventory)

  • Added: ⚙️New Advanced Weapon System

  • Added:⚙️ Rider Dismount Uses now Raycast to avoid unwanted dismount situations

RoadMap - Upcoming Features

Last updated