Methods and Properties
Public Methods and Properties you can use via script and Unity Events.
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Public Methods and Properties you can use via script and Unity Events.
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Below is a list of the most commonly used variables and methods - use the above method in the video to view ALL of the available variables and methods in Animal Controller and HAP!
public List<State> states;
List of the States of the animal. Locomotion, Idle, Fall etc
public List<Mode> modes;
List of the Modes of the animal. Attack, Actions, Hits etc
public List<Stance> Stances;
List of the Stances of the animal. Sneak,Crouch, Alert, Wounded etc
public List<EnterExitEvent> OnEnterExitStates;
List of Events to used on the States. Invoked when a State Enters or Exit.
public List<EnterExitEvent> OnEnterExitStances;
List of Events to Use on when entering on exiting a Stance. Invoked when a StanceEnters or Exit.
public StateID OverrideStartState;
Use this method to override the starting state of the Animal. Use it if you need the Character to be on a different state On Enabled.
public FloatReference AnimatorSpeed
Global Animator Speed for the Animal in FloatReference type. Use it to change the speed of the Animator.
public static List<MAnimal> Animals
Returns a list of all the active animals on the scene
public static MAnimal MainAnimal
Returns the Animal that has the Player parameter set to true
public State LastState {get}
Return the Last state the animal played
public State ActiveState {get}
Return the Current State the animal is
public StateID ActiveStateID {get}
Return the Current State ID the animal is
public bool AlwaysForward {get set}
The animal will always move forward
public bool UseCameraInput {get set}
The Animal uses the Camera Forward Direction to Move
public bool UseCameraUp {get set}
Use the Camera Up Vector to Move while Flying or Swimming Underwater (When Grounded = false)
void SetMainPlayer()
Set an Animal as the Main Player and set to false the current Player Animal, if it were one.
void DisableMainPlayer()
Disables the animal as the Main Player in case it was.
void Teleport(Transform newPos)
Teleports the Animal to a new position using a transform as a reference
void Teleport(Vector3 newPos)
Teleports the Animal to a new position using a vector position
void TeleportRot(Transform newPos)
Teleports the Animal to a new position using a transform as a reference and also orients the animal to the Transform reference rotation
void ResetGravityDirection()
Resets the gravity to the default Vector.Down value
void GroundChangesGravity(bool value)
If the value is true, the ground negative Normal will be the Gravity Direction
void Stance_Toggle(int NewStance)
Toggle the New Stance with the Default Stance using and Int ID. If the active Stance is the same, then it will activate the default Stance
void StanceToggle(StanceID NewStance)
Toggle the New Stance with the Default Stance using and StanceID
void Stance_Set(int ID) || void Stance_Set(StanceID ID)
Set a new Stance using the ID Value.
void Stance_RestoreDefault()
Restore the Default Stance to its original value.
void Stance_SetDefault(StanceID id)
Changes the value of the Default Stance.
void GroundChangesGravity(bool value)
If the is true, the ground negative Normal will be the Gravity Direction
void State_SetFloat(float value)
Set the StateFloat value and pass it to the StateFloat parameter on the Animator
void State_Replace(State NewState)
Find an old State and replace it for a new one at Runtime
void State_Force(StateID ID) || void State_Force(int ID)
Force the Activation of an state regarding if is enable or not
bool HasState(StateID ID) || bool HasState(int ID)
Returns if the Animal has a state by its ID
void State_SetStatus(int status)
Set the StateStatus value and pass it to the StateStatus parameter on the Animator
void State_Enable(StateID ID) || void State_Enable(int ID)
Enable a State by its ID
void State_Disable(StateID ID) || void State_Disable(int ID)
Disable a State by its ID
State_AllowExit(StateID ID)
Allow Lower States on the states list to be activated
State_InputTrue(StateID ID)
Find a State by its ID and set its Input value to true
State_InputFalse(StateID ID)
Find a State by its ID and set its Input value to false
void State_Activate(StateID ID)
Activates an State by its ID. If the State is Disabled it won't be activated
State_TryActivate(int ID)
Try to Activate a State by its ID, Checking the necessary conditions for activation
State State_Get(int ID) || State State_Get(StateID ID)
Return a State by its ID value
Mode Mode_Get(ModeID ModeID) || Mode Mode_Get(int ModeID)
Returns a Mode using its ID value.
void Mode_Activate(ModeID ModeID)
Activates a mode using its ID value and plays a Random Animation
void Mode_Activate(ModeID ID, int AbilityIndex)
Activates a mode using its ID value and plays an specific Ability by its Index
void Mode_Activate(Int ID, int AbilityIndex)
Activates a mode using its ID integer value and plays an specific Ability by its Index
bool Mode_TryActivate(int ModeID, int AbilityIndex)
Tries to activate a mode by checking all the conditions to activate a mode. Returns true if success and false if it could not activated
void Mode_Activate(Int Combined)
This is a special way to activate a mode and an ability all at once.
E.g. To Activate any Action Mode simply call
But if you want to play an specific Ability inside the Action mode, E.g. Sleep; call instead
which is the Mode ID (4)*1000 + Ability Index(6).
void Mode_Stop()
Stop All Modes
void Mode_Interrupt()
Set IntID to -2 to exit the playing Mode Animation. IntID = -2 is the Interrupt Condition for all modes
void Mode_Pin(ModeID ID)
Pin a mode to activate later. Store the Mode in the Pin_Mode variable
void Mode_Pin_Ability(int AbilityIndex)
Pin an Ability on the Pin_Mode to Activate later
void Mode_Pin_Status(int status)
Changes the Pin_Mode Status
void Mode_Pin_Time(float time)
Changes the Pin_Mode time when using Hold by time Status
void Mode_Pin_Input(bool input)
Changes the Input Value of the Pin_Mode
void Mode_Pin_Activate()
Tries to Activate the Pin_Mode
void Mode_Pin_AbilityActivate(int AbilityIndex)
Tries to Activate the Pin Mode with an Ability
void SetSprint(bool value)
Enable/Disable sprinting on the animal
void Speed_Change_Lock(bool value)
Lock speed changes on the animal. Disable changing from walk to run..etc
void Speed_CurrentIndex_Set(int index)
Set an specific speed on the currentSpeedModifier set
E.g. if the animal is using the SpeedSet "Ground" it will change the current speed modifier inside that set (Walk,Run) using an index
MSpeed Speed_GetModifier(string set, int index)
Returns a speed modifier, using the name of the set and an index.
E.g. MAnimal.Speed_GetModifier("Ground",1) will return the Walk SpeedModifier
void Speed_SetTopIndex(int index)
Change the Top Index of a Speed Set.
void Speed_SetTopIndex(string setname ,int index)
Change the Top Index of a Speed Set using the
Change the Speed of a Speed Set
Changes to the previous speed on the current speed set modifier
Changes to the next speed on the current speed set modifier