🛡️MWeapon [Damage] Properties


All weapons inherit from the MWeapon class and share the following Damage properties.

[Damage] Properties


The time delay between attacks. Once a weapon has attacked or released a projectile. it will wait until this time to release the next attack


It continues to attack if the Main Input is still pressed down.

Charge time

Weapons can be charged before releasing the attack. E.g. The bow can bend to fire the arrow.

Charge time Curve

Evaluate the Charge value in the Curve

Max Charge

The max value of the charge that goes from 0 to this value.

Charge Character Multiplier (CM)

Charge multiplier to Apply to the Character Charge Value (For the Animator Parameter)

Stat Modifier

When the weapon impacts with an object that has the Stats component. It will modify the stat set on this parameter

Pure Damage

When this parameter is set to true, it completely ignores the Damageable Multiplier value.

Critical Chance

Chance to cause a Critical Damage. 1 = it is always critical

Critical Multiplier

If the damage was critical. It will multiply the value of the Stat Multiplier value by this value


Type of Elemental damage this weapon will inflict

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