🛣️Road Map

Here's a list of features I'll be working on for AC/HAP in the near future. No particular order.

Something for everyone


  • 💢⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Cinemachine 3 Integration!!!!! 90% Done

  • Adding: Additive Up-Down Movement. (Spyro Swim Movement Underwater)

  • Cinematic-TimeLine Zones for the Animals..

  • Climb State -> Jump while Climbing (Zelda Style)

  • ✅Cinemachine Zoom In Zoom Out.

  • Mouse to World Working with the new Input System.

  • Playable Quick Animations (FIND HOW!!!! New Playable System)

  • Picking up and carrying objects (Human) Multiple Object and Profiles. Humans carrying Multiple Logs (SUPER ITEM)

  • ✅Throwing Object Human.

  • Integrate Selector with the new Inventory system

  • Step Manager Texture Recognition.?

  • Animation Aligner! (Rotate In Place -> Move to the Position -> Rotate In Place to the Location Desired Direction.)

  • Move Pass Current Target with BRAIN AI (E.g. Charge Attacks with Boar)

  • ✅Brain.. Play Mode at a Distance, not just near

  • Wolf Realistic Sword Animations

  • Ride Boat...

  • ✅Call Horse Distance Limit.

  • Weapon while riding: Spear Aiming

  • IK Using Unity Animation Rigging package

  • Sensor ToolKit Integration

  • Puppet Master Integration.

  • Synty Horse Farm Upgrade.

  • Fishing State!

  • HARD!!! Scriptable Events for Multiplayer (Local and Net) *** ?????

  • ✅Projectiles can have gravity after X time

⚔️ (Super Item System)

A weapon can be melee, used for blocking, parrying and shooting projectiles, all in one There's no need to separate it on different weapon type scripts.

E.g. Magic Staff (you can shoot spells, act as a melee weapon, and block with it)

  • ✅Add Formula to the Values (Attack, Damage) instead of multipliers. (Use Stats that can be used on the formula too)

  • Unarmed Mode is also of a Weapon Use it as Default Weapon???

  • ✅Play Different Animations when the Character is falling, Jumping using a weapon..E.g. Pound attack with a sword.

  • Weapon Pro Profiles: Damage, Force, Reaction, Hit Effect, Interaction, Anim Speed, Multiplier, Critical, Collider?

  • Actions: Charge, Fire Projectile, Aim, Hold Attack, Release Attack, Combo, Reload, Block, Parry, Weapon Lock, Counter Attack?

  • Ricochet Projectiles

  • Homing Projectiles.

  • Multiple Projectiles (Area of Shooting - Shotgun? )

  • Executions with Weapons.

  • Add CrossBow

  • ✅Add Rifle

  • Use Aiming Events to Activate Different Aiming Cameras? E.g. a Sniper Aims Different than a pistol.

  • IK component?

  • Weapon Multiplier

  • Counter Attack

  • Parry

  • Block

  • Boomerang Weapon (God of War Axe)

  • Fire without AimingUltimate Selector

  • Convert the Selector to the Inventory System for the Animal Controller and HAP.

  • Use Camera Movement to select the items, instead of the Items moving around the camera.

New Animal States

  • ✅MPathConstraint && MPath component. Useful for walking on Ledges and 2.5D games.

  • MLadder Component and ILadder Interface for the Lader State (for Humans)

  • Down Slide of a wall

  • Knock Back State? or Mode? or Both?

  • Free Climb State New Features

    • Getting to a ledge and start the climb by climbing down

    • Press an Input to Jump to a wall in the back (Jump Across)

    • Free Climb -> Animations for Moving on Corners (Inner-Outter Corners)

    • IK Hand and Feet alignment.

  • Grapple State (Quick Shoot to a Grapple Point)

  • Brachiation State

  • ✅Slide State

  • Push-Pull State

  • Directional Climb. (New Climb State) Squirrel Style.

  • Locomotion Start End Animations fix?

  • Swim State Update. Water State can use an External Transform to Align to water (Buyancy with other Water 3rd Party Assets)

  • Pound Attack! (Mode or State????)

  • Ragdoll State

  • Stair State (Human)

  • Change Priority and Activate values of a state to be Local to an animal (Remove it from Scriptable)

  • Speed Modifiers Add it inside the State Asset

  • Add Optional State_Variation Parameter to replace States Versions (E.g. Fly with Broom or Fly with Superman Style)

  • Automatic States from other States.

AI and Animal Brain

  • AI Control... Make it work also without Navmesh.

  • Play Auto Combos with Animal Brain.

  • AI Weapon Combo States (Brain Component)

Advanced Foot Track System for HAP and AC (Addon)


New Animations -

  • Elephant LODs

  • Player pulls an NPC off a horse

  • Unka: eat/drink/lay-down

  • All Animals : (Sneak, Strafe, Wounded Animations)

  • ✅Fox: Dig Hole

  • HUMAN: Add craft and build animations.

    • eating,

    • drinking,

    • sawing,

    • vertical and horizontal axe and pickaxe movement,

    • movement of a mat with horizontal and vertical strike,

    • scraping with a rake,

    • fishing, (STATE)

    • moving with a sickle, (STANCE)

    • moving with a two-handed scythe, (STANCE)

    • pushing an object, (State)

    • picking up an object, (Mode)

    • sitting, (Mode)

    • lying down, (Mode)

    • cutting on the ground with a knife. Gathering?

  • Any chance you could add some more animations for like cuddling the horse, petting, grooming, eating from a character's hand? Also some silly anims would be fun, like horse nudging a character with the head, bumping them with their rear end, rolling around on their back in the dirt, shaking their head no, nodding yes, stomping the ground to show they're upset, stuff like that? Stuff to give them more personality. And it may just be me, but the mane and horse tail hair looks a little too unrealistic, or maybe I need to do something to set it up? The rest of the horse is truly amazing, and seeing the mane and horse tail slightly unfinished look, sorry, no offense, just my opinion, takes away from the otherwise great-looking horse assets.


  • ✅Mode -Ability Gravity Properties? (Keep Grounded, Gravity {Ignore, Reset, Keep?}

General Features

  • Pick up Drop Objects (Multiple)

  • Push Pull

New Integrations

Adding Additives Elements Multipliers

The weapons can have multipliers that can interact with others...

Fire, Water, Toxic, Ice.

✅These IDs will have a Weak and Resistant List of values to react with

What's Malbers working for AC and HAP?

  • HAP: Killing the Rider while mounted.

  • HAP: Lamp Tutorial for the Ground and Riding,

  • HAP: Passenger Mount; (Passenger Animations)

  • HAP: AI Riding (Multiple Brain control for AI Rider and AI Horse)

  • HAP: New Animations: Yes, No, Eat from Hand, Stop on The Ground (Upset), Scared, Start Angry Jump in Place trying to get rid of the Rider)

  • something similliar was noticeable in gta series when you brake into wall and the player will be crash to ground from the front windshield!

    The brake can be automated , for instance you will try to run into a wall with fullspeed , so the horse will brake just near the wall and the rider will crash with ragdoll!HAP: Upgrade Mane, Tail

  • Guide Horse with the reins.??

  • Baby Horse


  • Weapon needs multiple actions with their Inputs (Main Atk, Second Atk, Third Atk) and release inptus. E.g. MainAttack can be aiming which enables the 2 Atck

  • Melee weapon can be shoot projectiles too..

  • Melee weapon can aim and attack differently while aiming (Spear Aiming While Mounting)

  • Weapons

Unka? Eat / Drink / Perch / Crawl animations

Possible Future Integrations?


Puzzles with AC

Last updated