
Incomplete (1.4.2d)

The Underwater state is in charge of allowing the character to swim underwater. Its State ID is 5.

Creating the Swim Underwater State

To create a new State Click the Plus button on the States list:

Or just duplicate any of the already created Underwater Swim States Assets of any animal you own and drag it to the States List.


The state should have a higher priority than Idle, Locomotion, Fall, Swim and Fly. but below Death since the animal can be killed any time.

When the animal is on the this state, all the Lower priorities states are ignored until the exit conditions for this state are fulfilled.

The <Swim Underwater> Exit conditions are:

  • The animal is moving upwards (Y Axis) and is near the Upper Limit of the water trigger collider.


Swim State

In order to work properly, the animal also needs the Swim State to be set, since the Underwater state will use some functions from the Swim State, to find the Water trigger.


The State requires an Empty Transform set as a Rotator. This Rotator is in charge of Pitch and bank rotation of the animal while swimming underwater.

Without setting this 'Rotator' gameObject on the Advanced tab the Swim Underwater State won't work properly

  • To move Up and Down on the Y Axis the Animator Requires the parameter: UpDown, which controls the underwater swim for going upwards or downwards


Exit Conditions

Common State Properties

The basic setting for the Swim Underwater state, is very similar for all the animals.

  • ID = SwimUnderwater ID

  • Input: <None>, This state is activated automatically when the Down Input is pressed.

  • General

    • RootMotion = false

    • Sprint = true

    • Gravity = false

    • Grounded = false

    • Custom Rotation = false

    • Orient to Ground = false

    • Ignore Lower States = true

    • Persistent = false

    • Lock Movement = false

    • Lock Input = false

    • Additional Position Speed = true

    • Additional Rotation Speed = true

    • Free Move = true

  • Exit Frame = true

  • Exit on Main = true

  • Sleep From State: 0

  • Sleep from Mode = 0

  • Queue From = 0


The Swim Underwater state requires Animation States that are in charge of all swimming underwater movement.

All states have a core animation state. For Swim Underwater is a blend tree with the Tag UnderWater.

Since the State is a moving state, the Speed Multiplier must be set as Parameter "SpeedMultiplier"

This Blend Tree is usually set this way:

If you don't have all animations, you can fill the missing states with the duplicate animations

Speed Set

Swim Undewater need a new Speed Set that affect the Underwater State

If your Underwater animations are NOT RootMotion or they don't have the movement and turning speed you desire, then you need to increase the Position and Rotation values to be greater than zero

Underwater Parameters

This parameters are the same from the Fly State


Banking angle amount used while turning


Limit Angle to Pitch the animal while going up and Down

Ylimit = 30 Ylimit = 80 (Default)

Enter Water Drag

It will push the animal down into the water for a given time

Try Exit Time

This avoid instant exiting the state, it will wait a bit before allowing exiting the state.

Last updated